Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Bag a cheap meal

Hello. If I was working in a sweatshop on the other side of the world I might have been paid 3p each for making these, and I would have probably been expected to churn out at least 100 in my 15 hour shift. My house is not hot, no heating on yet, and I made only eight shopping bags today. I upcycled, silly word, I cut up a very large curtain that I got from the Scrapstore for £1 and turned it into eight bags. These will be sold hopefully on the stall at the Christmas Fair. 

I also did three dog walks and trimmed my Leylandi hedge on the neighbours side, so I have been quite busy today. 
Yesterdays dinner was half a bag of  fresh egg noodles, reduced sticker 30p, cooked with a veggie burger which has broken up in the pan, served with broccoli 39p from Aldi. Total cost, 15p + 13p + 25p = 53p. 
Today's dinner was similar. Tagliatelle, which was 60p on a reduced sticker for a double pack, three portions in each bag, with broccoli, peas and sweetcorn. Cost 10p + 13p + 25p = 48p, and a splodge of Mayo from a 20p bottle = 2p. Total cost 50p.

I felt a bit sorry for Bugsy, always alone upstairs, so I have been fetching him down and having him on my knee while I watch a bit of catch up TV. He generally goes back upstairs at some point during the night when we are all in bed. I didn't have to fetch him last night, he came down of his own accord. I left him on the office chair that I usually sit on, when we went to bed, he was still there this morning. I think he must have got a bit confused when he woke up and wanted a pee, the litter boxes are upstairs. There was a puddle on the desk which had run off the edge and onto the floor. Oh dear. Never mind, I remember waking up in the night when I was a little girl and peeing in the wardrobe. It's easily done when you are half asleep. I have brought a litter box down and shown him where it is. Let's hope there are no more accidents.

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip

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