Sunday, October 25, 2015

Pensioners are doing alright

Hello. Blimey, it's not yet 8pm and I feel I should be going to bed. Don't like these short days, and they're going to get shorter. I shall have to get up earlier. I've done lots of little jobs today, though when I look around me I can't see any difference. Bugsys bedroom is cleaner, I've had the dyson around upstairs. I seem to be spending a lot of time cleaning endless litter boxes, and feeding dozens of cats. It's only three cats actually, plus Garcia from up the road, but it feels like they are always eating. Garcia is upstairs at the moment asleep on the pile of maps on the office desk. I'll turf him out when we go to bed. If I leave him in he does the most horrendously stinking poos during the night and I have to get up and take the litter box outside. He has a bed out the back where he has access to the garden through the cat flap.

I did a wash today, all the pet bedding and the old curtains I have down on the carpet in the bedroom. Bugsy can sometimes have little accidents, puking a hairball up, or bringing up his dinner after he has scoffed it too quickly. Such is life with a geriatric moggy.

Dinner today was a microwave meal, I couldn't be bothered to cook. It was a Quorn spag bol, reduced to 50p. To bulk it up a bit, because it didn't look enough, I added half a tin of baked beans. Saves on washing up, but I still have to wash the tray it comes in before I put it in the plastics recycling bin. .

I've made a start on tidying my crafting stash in the spare room. It's getting very messy and I can't find anything. I'm going to have to cut down on what I collect, I have far too much stuff.

I fancy some toast but I don't have any margarine or butter to put on it, forgot to get some. Never mind, lemon curd will do instead. I seem to be running out of a few things, never mind, I will eat out of the freezer for a few days. I'm finishing off the last of the wine, my treat for the weekend.

I was reading an article in The Times that pensioners have more cash than those in work. It was the Institute for Fiscal Studies which carried out this research. It says that on average pensioners have £394 a week after housing costs compared with £385 among the working age  population. Blimey, I am missing out somewhere, my weekly figure is about half that. Apparently the older generation is around 2% better off than the average worker. So nobody needs to feel sorry for pensioners any more, because we are doing alright, well I am any way, even if I don't get the average pension  :o)

Garcia has just come downstairs, I've put him out with a bowl of Felix food He will scoff that and probably bugger off home. This cat has two homes, we share him. Cats are not daft.

Did I tell you about this wart I have on my cheek? I went to the docs and he put some kind of liquid on it, which turned it black, he said it would drop off in a few days. Well it didn't. Now I have another appointment for Thursday with another doctor who I am told is a whiz with any skin blemishes. So. I hope Doctor Sarawhatsitthingymabob can get rid of it. Scalpel nurse, ha ha.

I think I might go to bed now, not much else to do. I can't concentrate in the evening so it's not worth starting any new projects till the morning. I will probably get a brilliant idea ten minutes after I have woken up.

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip

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