Thursday, October 15, 2015

This is what Heidi did

Hello and Good Morning. What a lot of fun that was, life would be pretty dismal if you didn't have fun. Thank you for your funny answers to the question, What did Heidi do? Some very good suggestions there. Yes, my cats do climb into the sink and wait for me to turn on a tap. Yes, they do get in the bath as well for the same reason. Kitties like drinking from a running tap. I have seen videos where cats balance over a toilet and do their business, and flush after use, and pull off loads of toilet paper from the roll. But Heidi didn't do any of that.

There was a clue in Monday's post, you might not have seen it. I had a bath, and as usual I left the water in there for flushing the toilet. She didn't step up onto the side of the bath and fall in, like a couple of you suggested. There was one clear winner who got it spot on. I had just stood up and was pulling my pants up adjusting my clothes, when quick as lightening this furball dashed into the room at full pelt and hurled herself into the bath, which was half full of cold water. There was a few frantic attempts of doggy catty paddle sending spray everywhere, before she managed to launch herself out of it like a rocket, and land on the floor. She left the room as quick as she had arrived, dashed downstairs and jumped up on the kitchen worktop where I quickly threw a towel over her. She was none the worse for her shock and spent the next hour grooming the underside of her belly. It was hilarious.

So, who won?

dawn rose, you are the winner. 

Send me your postal address in an email, address on the side, or send it to me in a comment which I won't publish. A lucky bag of goodies will be coming your way.

I'll be back later. Toodle pip.

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