Saturday, October 3, 2015

Spooky goings on

Hello. I've been out in search of ghosts tonight. Helen rang and asked if I wanted to come on the Ghost Walk event in her village. I thought, ok, why not, let's give it a go. I turned up at the pub car park at the start time, armed with a torch and wearing sturdy boots. It was a good turn out, lots of people had come to support it. The storyteller was a right character, we all listened to his tales of ghostly goings on. 
 We followed him up the High Street.

Gathered around the old water pump there was another spooky story, and the handle on the pump mysteriously moved all by itself. Obviously some jiggery pokery going on there. .

Crossing the road, we all trouped past the bus shelter, into the pitch black down a footpath through a field of corn on the cob. We were surrounded by plants which were six feet tall, very scary. 
Helen was playing her Stewards roll, bringing up the rear and watching the traffic. All donations gratefully received in the bucket please.

A bit of fun for a Saturday night. The storyteller was very entertaining. Anyone else been on a Ghost Walk? Do they have them in the USA, or anywhere else in the world?

Catch you soon, have a nice Sunday. Toodle pip

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