Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Mini bunting

Hello. Lots of heavy rain this morning. We had to abandon the Rocky walk, even with his raincoat on it was too much to cope with. We beat a hasty retreat, I picked him up and hurried back home. So I have been getting on with the sewing. Mini bunting has been made, smaller than the last one. These are two inches wide across the top. I used some red cord instead of the ribbon and decided to keep it short and not add any more, because that would have meant doubling up on the colours. This time buttons and beads have been added, with beads threaded onto the cord between the flags.

The difference in the sizes. I like the small ones better.

A short post tonight, the bath water is running and it's almost ready. Going for a soak. Thanks for popping in.
Toodle pip

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