Friday, October 2, 2015

Walking to stay fit

Hello. Twas such a lovely day today so I packed a couple of sandwiches, filled a bottle with diluted fruit juice, and put a banana in my little day rucksack, and off I went. Rocky was looked after by Janet, the walk was going to be too long for his little old legs, and taking the pushchair was not going to work. I couldn't be bothered to drive anywhere, so I stayed local. It's ages since I last walked in my corner of North Lincolnshire, so it was about time I rediscovered my local area. 
It was very misty when I set off down the footpath high above the River Trent. The bushes were covered in hundreds of spider webs, all wet from the mist. 
There should be good views across to Yorkshire from here. Not this morning, can't see a chuffin thing. The pylons appear to be floating in mid air, it looked very eerie.

At last the sun broke through and cast shadows across the path ahead, strewn with Autumn leaves.

I reached the first village in just under an hour, and walked past this cottage on my way to the Tea Room. Bought a bar of chocolate because I wanted to use the toilet to change into my shorts. A friend of mine was in there, supping tea and scoffing cake. Had a quick chat and went on my way. 
Aha, at last the mist has lifted and there are some nice views. Now I can see Yorkshire.

I left the river and came inland down a long track. looks like the harvest is all in now.

Just the stubble left on this field. Thank goodness they don't burn it any more. Now it's just ploughed back into the ground. It was lovely and peaceful, surrounded by big open spaces, hardly any sound at all. Not a soul about. 
The whole end of this house was covered in red leaves. looks very pretty but it must play havoc with the bricks and mortar.

 I found a church, but it didn't have a bench to sit on for lunch. Not to worry, I sat down in the graveyard on a lump of concrete.

I have seen this bench before, ages ago. It's half way along the edge of a very big field. Looks as though someone is looking after it. The grass has been mowed, and the planters have little bushes in them. There's cut flowers as well. A nice memorial for a loved one.
Oooh, a field of sun flowers, how nice.

Six and a half hours after I set off, I arrived back. Passed through five villages, and 13 and a half miles walked in the glorious sunshine. Just what I needed to stop my legs from seizing up.

It's the weekend again. I hope you have a good one. Catch you soon.
Toodle pip

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