Sunday, October 11, 2015

Look and you shall find

Hello. I had a bimble round the car boot sale this morning, I haven't been for ages and ages. It's held at the football ground, not far away, and it was a sunny morning so off I went. It starts at about 6am, there is no need to go that early, even though I am up at that time. Coffee and breakfast first for me, I got there at 9am. 
I was looking for something decorative for my craft work, very small beads needed in bright colours. There was a lady who has been crafting but is packing up because she can no longer hold tiny objects due to her arthritis, I had a rummage through her redundant stock. I have seen buttons like these in craft shops, but don't buy them because the prices are a rip off. I got this lot for £1.50. A bargain I thought. 
Moving along I found a couple of pairs of earrings for 50p. These can be stitched onto fabric as embellishments.

Then I found some tiny red beads, the man wanted £1 for it but I put it down I said I only wanted the red beads. He changed his mind and dropped it to 75p, I hesitated and he said, ok, 50p then. Deal. 
Quite pleased with my little haul. I went across the road to Tesco, for some cat litter and to see if there were any bargains. Always worth a look if passing. Too early for the yellow sticker bargains, they had started marking down but the best prices will come later on about three o clock, and I am not going back. I happened to see a neighbour in there, they know I like a bargain or two, and they said have a look in the freezer. I wouldn't normally look in the frozen food department, so I made a bee line for it with this information. Yep, he was right, reduced veggie style spag bol made with Quorn 50p each, I'll have four please. Two packs of Quorn Tortilla, 44p each, and two packs of Quorn kebabs, also 44p each. Just the job. I had to have a bit of a shuffle round in my freezer to get it all in. Good result, worth a look.

Too nice to be indoors, I'm off out. Enjoy your Sunday. Toodle pip

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