Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Killing three birds with one stone.

Hello. The weather hasn't been so good today. Although it has stayed dry there was no sun. I spent the morning sewing while watching catch up TV. After a lunch of beans on toast I took Rocky for a walk around the churchyard. While I was out I noticed some litter which needed picking up so when we got back he went indoors, while I got my stick and bag, and went straight back out again to tidy up. I needed to be outside walking, a good excuse to take some photo's for the blog, and the litter needed clearing away, so three birds with one stone. If Rocky could walk further and faster I could have made it four birds with one stone and picked while he ambled along beside me. 
So, a few Autumn pics of the village. This is the old Vicarage, and that is Jim on his bike, the handyman in the village. He does a lot of lawn mowing and other jobs as well.  
Looking across the Village Green, I zoomed in on Joyce as she was passing with her poodle, Bailey. She goes out every day about 1pm for the afternoon walk. Next week she has a luncheon to go to, so I will walk Bailey on that day so she needn't rush back.

At the top of the hill I decided to go down it a short way, because that is where people chuck rubbish out of their cars. There are no houses at that point and they think they can't be seen. The pedestrians have probably bought something at the shop and by the time they have got to the top of the hill they start discarding the wrappings and empty cans in the hedgerow. We shouldn't be getting so many carrier bags being thrown away now.

I've got a full bag so I empty it into the big bin next to the pub, the council come on a Monday to clear it out.

A scout round the churchyard, especially where the kids gather at the gate and I find some sweet and biscuit wrappings. The grass is carpeted by crunchy golden leaves. This wonderful big tree is near the door of the church. 

Next it's up the High Street past the cottages, and checking the bus shelter. Nothing in there. The lady who runs the B & B. has the job of clearing it out, she gets paid a small amount once a year. 
Turning left just before the Chinese takeaway and I am dismayed by the amount of rubbish dropped on the corner. Kids hang out there and any food which doesn't get eaten is thrown on the ground with the plastic boxes, and the plastic forks are then stamped on and broken into tiny pieces. Drinks cans are also discarded. I found a smashed beer glass, probably lifted from the pub. So I pick it all up and put it in the large litter bin, which they can't be bothered to use. The contractors are still here, digging up the pavements and putting new gas pipes in. Glad they are not coming down my street, such a mess.

In front of the Medical Centre we have a communal herb garden. Anyone can take some for their cooking. Such a nice idea.

There is a snicket from the Medical Centre to the Village Green which usually has a few bits of rubbish lying around. It's the route a lot of children take coming from and going to school. There are plenty of fallen leaves here. A big difference to when we have the Summer Fair in June and everything is lush and green. 

It's a popular place for dog walkers as well. There are bins to put dog poo in here, and thankfully most people use them.

Ah well, I've eaten my dinner, a second portion of yet another veggie stew. I had two thirds of a swede in the fridge which needed using up, so it got chopped up and put in the big pan, along with an onion and a bag of frozen mixed vegetables. I also added wholemeal pasta to bulk it up. Just the thing to come home to in the dark evenings. Time to take Rocky out, so I'll sign off.

Catch you soon. Thanks for popping in. toodle pip

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