Friday, May 2, 2014

Day 2. Towthorpe to Stockton Forest.

Hiya. Bit slow with the signal tonight, thought I might have to abandon the photo upload. I've persevered and managed to get them on one at a time. So where am I tonight? I was hoping to get to Strensall, north west of York, it was 6pm and the sign said 4 miles, and my feet were sore so I took a diversion and walked the one mile to Stockton Forest village, hoping to find a bed. There were two establishments in the main street to choose from. One looked as if it could be a bit pricey so I chose the other. I was probably right as I have an en suite room for £35 at Church View B & B. 
This morning I set off just after 9am after a filling breakfast. I continued north on The Yorkshire Wolds Way, heading towards Londesborough. I didn't linger in the village because I have been there before. This is the scene, lots of yellow fields at the moment.  
It was a sunny morning so I took a chance and put my shorts on. Thought it might be wise to slap some sun lotion on my legs and face, always the optimist. There were plenty of clouds about which wafted over covering the sun, then I was a bit cold, but I stuck it out because I didn't want to keep stopping and changing clothes. Oh, I am a hardy soul, ha ha.

These wonderful trees were at the entrance to a farm entrance, don't they look fabulous, I love the colours.  

It's nice to see that someone is taking care of the footpaths and renewing bridges and gates when they are needed. 
Follow the signs to Nunburnholme, so that's what I did. 
Then on to Millington. There is a tea shop in the village, the Travelers Rest. Lots of cyclists were taking refreshments. I was quite tempted to sit on the bench outside and eat my snack, but I don't think they would have appreciated that, I wasn't a paying customer. 
I carried on for a couple of miles and by now the Yorkshire Wolds Way had turned into The Minster Way. I was just thinking I would love to sit down but hadn't found anywhere, then like an oasis in a desert, I spotted this little church at Great Givendale, tucked away in the corner of a field, and look, it has a bench in the sunshine, perfect for a weary walker.
I tried the door and it was unlocked. 
By this time you might have guessed that I decided not to go to Pocklington after all. It would have meant too much road walking and I am trying to not walk on tarmac too much as I don't want my achilles tendon to flare up again. So a lot of footpaths on farm tracks and around fields today. Doncha just love brown cows.  
Bishop Wilton is a pretty village, with a small stream running down the middle of it. I noticed a village shop, time for a treat, a chocolate and toffee Magnum ice cream. Met some friendly people in the shop and had a nice chat. 
Then on to Youlthorpe and Full Sutton to Stamford Bridge. I didn't linger here very much either as I have been before and time was getting on. I saw on the map that there is a dismantled railway which went in the direction I wanted to walk, so I was hoping it had been turned into a path. Here is the viaduct that goes over the River Derwent. There must be a way to get up there somehow. 
This looks promising, it is going in the right direction. 
Yes, it joined the old railway line which has been tarmacked for pedestrians. But the disappointment when it stopped dead as it got to the main A166 trunk road. Oh bugger, it would be such a good route if they had taken it further. I had to walk along the main road for 20 minutes, then dodge the traffic to cross it and go down a side road. Time was getting on. When I got to the junction at Snowball Plantation I knew I had to go in search of a bed, that's when I turned off to Stockton.

I've been trying to check the mileage for today, but with the slow and intermittent signal the Bikehike site is not playing ball. Looking at the distance compared to yesterday I think it might be the same. I will check it tomorrow for an accurate figure.

What's the blister count for today, then? FOUR, yikes. I've been popping them and covering my feet with Germoline. They should have calmed down for tomorrow. Breakfast is at 8.30am, then I shall be heading towards Strensall and Easingwold and hoping to get to Thirsk. But who knows what will happen, you'll have to wait and see. It's late, must get my beauty sleep. Toodle pip.

PS. Thank you for your comments yesterday, I'll give you the bones, you can put the meat on it, ha ha. Thanks to those who googlied stuff for more info.

Edited again. Mileage checked. 20.80 miles, so I wasn't far out with my guess.

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