Saturday, May 24, 2014

She's a gudun, that Jack.

Read this with a Yorkshire accent.....Eee by gum, she's a reet plucky lass that Jack, int she? No, Jack doesn't talk like that, she is from daan saaf, that's doon sooth if you are from Scotland. I love accents, don't you. Did you see her on Question Time this week? I watched it on the BBC iplayer catchup last night.

Most of you have probably heard of the blog, A girl Called Jack, she is the young lady who struggled to make ends meet as a single mum, and invented a whole load of cheap recipes costing pennies so they wouldn't starve. She's been in the news a lot these past few months, having found her niche as an ambassador for Anti Poverty. Good on her, that's what I say. She isn't afraid to stand up and be counted. I wish I had had that gumption when I was her age.

She's come a long way from being a skint mum, to sitting on the panel at Question Time, she should be proud of herself. I see a rising star there. She sat on a panel with Kirsty Allsop, and some stuffy politicians, and gave her views live to the whole nation. Millions of people had their eyes and ears open to catch her words. She were reet gud was Jack.

Here is a link to her blog, there is a link to the programe on iplayer within it. Oversees readers may not be able to access it at this moment, but keep a look out on yoootooob for it. It hasn't been uploaded there yet, but it will appear eventually.

Got to go. Toodle pip.

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