Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Day 6. Leyburn to Hawes.

A bit late tonight, the photo's have taken ages to load, signal intermittent. I'll add a few words, but I should be going to bed. I'm at the Youth Hostel in Hawes, so a cheap night tonight, only £21.50 for B & B, and I have a room to myself as it's very quiet. I picked up some food from the Spar shop and had pasta for dinner, 
This morning I left Leyburn after a lovely breakfast, Sean and Heather really do pull out all the stops when it comes to looking after their guests. I can highly recommend their lovely B & B for an overnight stop, or as a base for exploring the Dales. Leyburn is the main market town of Wensleydale, and they are ideally placed to use as a base for exploring the area. No I'm not getting paid for this glowing report, they go the extra mile and credit where credit's due.  Click here for their web site.
A few pics of Leyburn before I get on my way. The market square. It's a car park when no market is on. 
This is an ironmongers and general store. No fancy shop front, just trolley loads of stock on the pavement, and lists of what they sell on the signs by the door as you go in. 

Leaving Leyburn on a footpath to Wensley village. This is a pretty village. 

After Wensley I picked up the River Ure, and walked alongside it for a couple of hours. It was lovely weather, sunshine, and pleasant walking through lots of fields full of sheep. Some of the time the path went right down onto the river bank and through woods. 

Unusual to see red tulips in a woodland setting. 

There is a view towards Castle Bolton in the distance. 
Just checking where I am, nice to see I am where I thought I was. These signs are a good help.
Another field of sheep, the tractor arrived and they all went running towards it. Dinner time everyone. 
Now I am quite high up looking down on the river. Lovely views. 

I came off the river, and took a wrong turn, and found this AA box. You don't see many of these nowadays. 
Realized my mistake and got back to the river. Now I am coming to Aysgarth Falls. 

These waterfalls are lovely. 
I emerged from a wood to find a big church on a hill in front of me. It looks pretty spectacular in the flesh. There was a handy bench in the sun for me to rest a while and have a bit to eat. Also the door was unlocked so I went inside for a few minutes. 

From Aysgarth village I went on to Bainbridge. There are yellow bicycles everywhere. This is in preparation for the Tour de France coming here in July. Looks like they are getting into the spirit of things. 
Another country pub. There seems to be some who are surviving, I've seen quite a lot of them scattered around the villages, they aren't all closing down in Yorkshire.  
From Bainbridge I walked along the road to Hawes as it was the most direct route. 16.83 miles today. My feet are not so sore now, the blisters have almost gone, and I feel pretty fit and back to normal. Tomorrow I'm heading for Kirkby Stephen. Not sure which route to take yet, I have to study the map. Must go and do that now, then to bed. Goodnight. Please excuse any mistakes, I am too tired to check it.

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