Friday, May 23, 2014

Imaginary family :o))

Good morning. I've just got to have comedy in my life, quirky comedy, sometimes thought provoking comedy, throw in a dollop of artistic talent and I'm in heaven. I love to discover a new artist on the www, and this one came by way of a daily national newspaper. The Daily Mail prints more fiction than news stories, most of which only require a skim through, in the hope of finding a little gem, and this morning I found this little gem hidden in the Femail section. I found it so entertaining I had to find out more. You might enjoy it too. Click on the quote and read the whole article.
'I'm simpltrying to get people to quit clinging to outdated assumptions of what a successful life looks like, lighten up, and embrace their lives for who it's made them, with or without the Mrs'

Suzanne Heintz was so fed up with people asking her why she wasn't married, she decided to create her own plastic family. She spent 14 years carting her husband and daughter around the globe making videos and taking photographs for her family album.

I googlied her name and came up with more info. Her web site.  Click on the links along the top, her films are on there, and her blog.

There are films on yoootooob. Try this short documentary trailer. Then click on others if you want to.

What do you think? I love it, suits my sense of humour to a tee. Does it float your boat? I love quirky, imaginative, thinking out of the box, ideas.

I want to get the banner finished today, so I'd better get off this computer and start sewing. Have a nice Friday.
Toodle pip.

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