Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Nice to be invited

I got myself tarted up a bit today, I scrub up well if I can be bothered to make an effort. The Forest Pines Hotel is a pretty swish place and it wouldn't do to go in anything less than smart. I was invited to a friends and family gathering, to meet my friends daughter and grand daughter, who have flown over from Canada so the family can meet the new baby. I didn't think it was right to put their pics on here, so sorry, there are no baby photo's, you'll have to make do with the hotel instead. It's a big place with a big golf course attached to it. It's not a place I go to regularly, maybe once every five years, and only if I am invited to a 'do'. 
I took the opportunity to combine the outing with a bit of shopping. I have hardly any food left in the house, and I'm scraping the bottom of the fridge and cupboards to produce some meals. Morrisons is on the other side of town so I popped in there. Found a few yellow stickers, but most of what was on offer wasn't reduced enough. I wanted bananas but they only had large green ones, and I like small yellow ones, so I passed on those. Cathedral City cheese was on offer at £2 so I bought one, also Dutch tomatoes at £1, free range eggs, cabbage, and lettuce.

My bus pass runs out tomorrow so I called in the office next to the bus station to renew it. The man asked if I wanted to use the same photo. As I have changed a lot in the last five years, and I never liked the photo anyway, I opted for a new one. It's all very quick, tap a few keys on the computer, click the camera, all done in a couple of minutes. The pass will come in the post on Friday.

On the way back I stopped at Aldi to get the bananas. If I search through all the bags on display I can usually find a bag with nine in for 68p. I also bought potatoes, melon, soft cheese, broccoli, cream crackers, and mushrooms. These should keep me going for a few days.

My favourite vet programme is back on Channel 4, anyone watching Supervet? Noel Fitzpatrick is a saint, he cares so much about his patients and their owners. He is a wonderful gorgeous man. If you haven't seen it yet, watch it with this link. (possibly UK only). You will need a box of tissues.

Watch how he fits a cat with two new bionic feet.

Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip.

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