Saturday, May 10, 2014

What next?

Oooops, I've just noticed that I said on yesterday's post I would catch you tomorrow. It's tomorrow now and I haven't anything prepared, so maybe I'll just ramble on a bit. Sorry, been a bit busy on forums, putting photo's and trip report on the Walking Forum.

In between showers I put the cane supports in to hold the broad bean plants upright. Then I went through the pots which have shown no signs of any seeds germinating, tipped them all out and started again with more seeds. Sometimes I over water things, sometimes under water, and nothing happens. I am not an expert at vegetable growing, make many mistakes, just keep trying, sow more seeds than I actually need, just so I get a few coming up.

Long chat on the phone to my sister today, she is going on holiday soon in the caravan. Chat on the phone to Aunty in Nottingham, going for a visit tomorrow to see new baby. Not her new baby, her daughter's new baby. My second cousin, I think. Chat on the phone with my friend tonight, as well.

Seems strange being back home. I look around me and think, what shall I do next? Well I could do this or I could do that, it's not like I have to do anything really. Not like walking from A to B, get up, eat breakfast, pack rucksack, put on boots, set off. At a bit of a loose end really. No doubt I'll get back into the swing of things in a day or two. Get organised, maybe carry on with the sewing. Craft Club on Monday. Been invited out for lunch on Tuesday. Dog walking on Wednesday, and Thursday. Go and see Helen in the house.

It's all coming back to me now, my life before the long walk. Yes, must get organised. Don't think I will be doing another long walk though, not just yet. I need to do something different. Long walks are becoming a bit samey, need a new idea, a new challenge. Hmmm, something to think about. What next? I fancy a bus pass trip, that might be fun. Just set off with no destination in mind, go where the buses take me. Could work, maybe.
Toodle pip.

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