Friday, May 30, 2014

Did you miss anything?

Hello my little bloggerettes, I don't know if anyone noticed but I have just gone over the 2000 posts mark, now at 2006 to be precise. Amazing isn't it, through sheer determination and perseverance anything is possible. Keep chipping away at something and eventually you see results. Give up somewhere along the way, fall off the edge, buckle under the pressure, and everything crumbles around your ears. There have been times when I have really struggled for something to say, then at the eleventh hour some fleeting thought drifts into my head and a seed is planted. Saved once more, lets hit the keyboard.

I've just done a dog walk and as I was being pulled along by Bella the labradoodle, I was trying to think of a topic for today's post. Aha, I know! Lightbulb moment. In 2000 posts there is lots of interesting stuff buried in the vaults. Only those who are new to the blog and start reading from the beginning, are likely to find it. Even the most determined of people may not have the staying power to plough through every single word, and who can blame them, it's a mammoth task.

I have done a little delving into the archives for you, and picked out a few bite sized bits of what I think are interesting posts. I'll sidestep the mundane, the housework, the cooking, the shopping, the everyday kind of living posts, they are the fillers, the stuff to put in to plug a gap. So if you haven't been here very long and feel you might have missed out on a lot of what has been going on, take a trip down memory lane with me.

To help me find these posts I am going to click on the labels on the side bar, and see what comes up, then add the link to that post here. If you have been with me for a long time you may not want to read the same old same old again, fair enough, just come back tomorrow for the next post. You might have noticed that I don't say I blog daily, I post daily. So, let's go.

Do you remember when I painted the snow on my front garden. Snow is lovely when it first appears, everywhere looks fresh and white, then when it hangs around for a while, it becomes boring and I just want it gone. So why put up with boring white snow, why not paint it.

A year ago I went to have a look at the 1939 house down the hill. Joanna lives there and lives her life exactly how they used to in the forties. She dresses in the style, she rides a bicycle to work, she grows her own veg in her back garden, and does her washing in a dolly tub on a Monday. I had such a lot of photo's of that visit that I split them into four posts, here is one of them.

As you know I love days out walking around our wonderful English countryside. There are lots of posts to choose from, it's difficult to choose which one is best. I have picked one out from September 2011, a circular walk of 12 miles in the Lincolnshire Wolds.

It's almost a year ago since my Uncle Stan's 90th birthday, I remember that day with fondness. A lovely sunny Sunday afternoon, family and friends gathered in the garden, food and drinks, excited chatter, and a band playing in the background. Times spent with family are precious.

Aaah, Horncastle, I remember Horncastle. How can I forget the church full of antiques, and the back yard of the second hand shop stuffed full of every kind of bricabrac imaginable. Tons and tons of pots left out in the open, mucky pots in need of a good scrub. Twas an interesting visit.

Did you try making your own crisps in the microwave? If you haven't this the post you want with full instructions. Go on, have a go. It's cheaper than buying a packet, and fun.

I love colourful art, especially modern and contemporary art, and I love visiting art galleries. This post is about a visit to the National Centre for Craft and Design at Sleaford. I love to explore artistic talent. I don't always 'get it', but there's nothing like studying a piece and trying to imagine what's going on inside the artists head.

I bet you are interested in which post has had the most view's. Thought you might.
It's this one, it's way out in front. 8064 page views on this one post. Not sure why, apart from the fact that some of the comments were a tad nasty. Maybe word got around,  hey look at this loony woman freezing her tits off in her hovel. Ha ha. You gotta laugh.

Anyway, I'll leave you with these to potter around should the fancy take you. I have to go and wash the pots, then wash my hair, because I'm going out tonight. Yes, you heard right, actually going out at night, something I haven't done for yonks. I'm going to walk five minutes to the club in the village and help someone celebrate their retirement. It's a pie and pea supper, but I have been assured that a vegetarian option has been ordered for me, so no cooking tonight. Enjoy your weekend, and I'll be back tomorrow. Toodle pip

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