Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Sewing busybee

I think we've skipped summer and fast forwarded to autumn, it's been a wet and miserable cold day. I've gone back to knee length socks and a fleece in the house, and got my old warm jacket out for dog walking. The council in their wisdom sent the grass cutters out to mow the village communal grass areas and verges, you should see what a mess they have made of it. The machines are far too heavy and sink into the sodden ground leaving our lovely village green like a herd of cattle have trampled through it. Mud bath describes it at the moment, with ten days to go to our fete. I can't see it recovering by then unless we get several days of sunshine to dry it out. 
Another day of sewing, and another project finished. I started this ages ago, and put it down to make a bigger cat mat. That one went to the rescue pens, this smaller one I am keeping. 
The fleece offctuts are hand stitched onto a piece of tatty stained bed sheet which I was using as a table cloth. The underneath is very wrinkled, which has pulled the whole thing out of shape. It doesn't matter though, the cats will never notice that it's a bit wonky.

I chose a piece of pink floral cotton for the backing, and a piece of old flannelette sheet for the sandwich bit in the middle. Lay the backing face down....

and fold it over at the front, pin in place to make a border, and run the machine round.

All done. I have run the machine all over it in a zigzag stitch, for the quilty bit. None of it is straight, all higgledypiggledy. 

I've got more fleece offcuts to play with but will move onto something else now. I don't like to do too much of the same thing. Variety is what I like.

I've brought my salad leaf bowl into the kitchen now, out of the way of the slugs and rain. All growing nicely so handy to pick a few leaves when I need them.

Dinner tonight was cold pasta. I made lots yesterday, enough for lunch and dinner today. I like it cold as well as hot. I mixed in some tartar sauce, one year out of date, hence the price of 30p. Also green pesto, grated carrot, and salad leaves, one tomato and two boiled eggs. Made a lovely meal. Quick and easy to do.

It's still raining, going to do some more sewing to keep me busy. Toodle pip.

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