Friday, May 9, 2014

Day 9. Culgaith to Penrith. 3 hours, then home

I said goodbye to Shiona and Mike this morning after breakfast at Shepherds Croft B & B. I can highly recommend this place for a comfortable overnight stop. My room was immaculate and I was made to feel very welcome. Check out their web site if you are planning on visiting the Lakes or the Yorkshire Dales, or looking for a stop off on the way to or from Scotland. 
I set off at 9.30am, the weather looked overcast but it wasn't raining, so I didn't put my waterproofs on. Lucky me, I only came across ten minutes of rain as I came to the A6, and I was able to keep reasonably dry with the umbrella. I crossed over the A66 trunk road, and took a minor road through Whinfell Forest. There is a Centre Parcs holiday village here, can you see the log cabins through the trees.   
Heading towards Penrith on a minor road from Cliburn, there is a Zoo marked on the map on the left hand side. As I passed it I thought the entrance doesn't look very appealing, a bit scruffy in fact. No time to stop and visit anyway. Just out of curiosity I looked at the reviews on Trip Adviser, oh dear, a lot are not very complimentary at all. The main complaints seem to be that the animals are kept in dirty cramped conditions. To be fair some people like it, especially those with young children. Apparently it is more an animal sanctuary than a Zoo and is run entirely on donations.

On the outskirts of Penrith now, nearly there.

I didn't have time to look around the town, Mike had found the time of the train for me, and I arrived ten minutes before it left, so pretty good timing. Opposite the station is the castle. 
That's it then, all done and dusted. 158 miles in eight days and three hours. I'm quite chuffed with my achievement.

The train from Penrith was pretty full, then when we got to Lancaster loads more people piled on and it was packed. I changed at Manchester, and the train to Hull had plenty of empty seats, Puddytat had one all to himself. From Hull I hopped on a bus, and was picked up in the next village. The bus doesn't go through my village.

Now I need to relax and chill. I think I'll give the Parkrun a miss tomorrow, ha ha. I have a new blister on my right heel so I will be hobbling around for a day or two. The pusscats were delighted to see me. The garden needs a bit of attention so I'll get on with that tomorrow if it doesn't rain. The broad beans need some support canes putting in.

I'll have a look through all your comments, because questions have been asked, I will answer them in a post. Thank you to everyone who has been spurring me on, I greatly appreciate your support. Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip.

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