Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Day 7. Hawes to Kirkby Stephen

 Hello, I am sitting in the lounge at Kirkby Stephen Hostel. This used to belong to the YHA, but now is privately owned and still run as a hostel. Not many in tonight, I appear to be the only female. Pasta again for dinner tonight. 
I got a bit wet today, I tell a lie, I got chuffin soaked today, ha ha. It rained all day, and the only thing dry was the contents of my rucksack, only because I had lined it with a plastic bag, and put everything in smaller bags. I was drenched through to the skin. I must say that walking for seven hours in the pouring rain, up hill and down dale for sixteen miles, is far more knackering than running a 5k. As soon as I got to the hostel it was a complete strip off and change of clothes, with all the wet ones going in the drying room. 
Not many pictures taken today I'm afraid, best keep the camera under wraps. A few of Hawes as I was leaving. I must come back and have a better look around, preferably on a sunny day. An upmarket food store in competition with the Spar shop. 
Lots of mouthwatering yummy sweets in the window. No I didn't buy any.

Someone at the hostel said it was a steam day today.

I left Hawes village on the Pennine Way, following the stone footpath across the fields. Hardraw is another pretty village.

Some crochet hanging up at the entrance to the church yard. I thought this was a lovely idea. 
More crochet decorations.

And here is little Puddytat. Yes he has been with me all the way. He has to go under cover now as the rain is coming down harder.

From Hardraw I took a B road and joined the A684 for about a mile, then I left the road to walk along a wide path called Lady Anne's Way. Web site here. Can you see the line of the wall going up there in the distance. I followed that wall over the hill as far as you can see and a lot further. Boy was that climb steep. The wind and rain were buffeting me about, and it didn't stop all day.

This is looking down to where I had come from. The clouds and mist were swirling about above me spoiling the views. This is such a beautiful walk, or it would be on a nice day. Below is the railway line, and the river, and the main road. Only me and the sheep today, I didn't see another soul up there. The water was gushing down the gulleys and I had to jump across quite a few. 
One more photo before I put the camera away in a dry place. A derelict house, there are several of them up here that have been left to go to rack and ruin.

After eight miles up in the hills I eventually reached the road, and decided to stay on the road and walk as fast as I could because I needed to get out of my wet clothes. The hostel owner was out with her dog, but arrived back soon after I got there. The hostel used to be a church, the pews are still used as benches. The place is carpeted and is very cosy. £20 for a bed for the night, plus breakfast. I am having a change tomorrow, getting a bit bored with a cooked breakfast, so I'm going continental.

I'm heading towards Appleby tomorrow. It's only about 10 or 11 miles away so too soon to stop. Kirkby Stephen to Penrith is too far, so I need to have another night out, I'm looking for a bed a few miles past Appleby, ideally leaving me a mornings walk on Friday, then I can go straight to the station for a train back home in the afternoon. That's the plan anyway. Not much further to go now, nearly finished. 16.47 miles today. I'll catch you tomorrow. Hope the weather is better. Toodle pip.

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