Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Supermarket meander

A bit late tonight, I've been to Tesco to do a big food shop, just realised I forgot the soya milk, never mind, I have enough for a week, then I'll eat porridge. Some yellow stickers were found. 
Here's the full list.
2 boxes of Bran Flakes 88p each
3 tins of baked beans 24p each
6 tins of rice pudding 15p each
2 tins of peaches 35p each
1 jar pickled onions 30p
1 carton apple juice 65p
1pt milk 59p
1 Danish blue cheese £1.00
1 plain yogurt 45p
Flavoured yogurt (6) £1.00
Six eggs £1.00
1 packet walnuts £2.20
1 packet ground almonds £2.09
1 seeded loaf £1.00
1 frozen sweetcorn 99p
1 frozen broccoli £1.00
1 frozen peas £1.00
1 frozen cauliflower £1.00
1 pkt frozen veg sausages £1.00
Tomatoes (5 fruits) £1.00
Fresh broccoli 49p

Yellow stickers
4 bags bananas (26 fruits) 21p total
1 swede 1p
2 bags of 1kg carrots 1p each
1 bag braeburn apples (5 fruits) 2p
2 bags parsnips 18p total
1 bag mushrooms 14p
2 packs prepared mango 20p each
Yes the prices were really that low, it was gone 9pm and it was a last ditch attempt to get rid of them before they were chucked. .

For the cats
8 tins Gourmet on offer £3.00
1 box pouches £2.50
4 tins tuna fish 49p each
1 pack sliced roast chicken £1.75

Total shop £28.96.

I don't normally buy frozen broccoli and cauliflower, thought I would give them a try. Danish blue cheese was on offer, only buy it occasionally. Not had flavoured yogurts for a long while, a treat. No reduced bread tonight except a couple of white loaves. I don't eat white bread so I paid full price for a seeded brown loaf. Trying the Value veg sausages to see if they are like the more expensive brands. I will be giving some of the bananas away, share with a friend, and making up the carrots, swede, and parsnips into curries and stews and freeze them in portions. I managed to ignore the cakes and biscuits. And I gave away a couple of home made shopping bags to two very happy ladies.

That's all for now. It's midnight and I'm off to bed. Goodnight.

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