Sunday, May 26, 2013

Bringing up babies

Another warm day today, and my nineteen babies are looking all the better for it. This is my £1 Sunflower starter pack, a plastic tray with a clear plastic lid, a small bag of compost, and some seeds. I didn't count how many, but I suspect twenty might be the number. I sprinkled them on, mixed them in, watered it, and waited. 
And here they are. I am hoping they survive, and I get nineteen big yellow fowers from them. So now, I am talking to my babies, and moving them from the back to the front windowsill to keep them warm as the sun moves around the house. I'm sprinkling water on them to keep the compost moist.

I think I will need to separate them soon or they will get too crowded. What do you think? I haven't grown sunflowers before, are there any experienced readers who can give me some tips? I will be guided by your wisdom, what do I have to do to get big yellow blooms? Do they need more sun or less? Can I plant them in big pots or do they go in the ground? Do I need to feed them with anything? Lets watch over these babies together, and I will keep posting progress updates. Toodle pip.

PS. I have just noticed that my followers list is growing, there are a few more names on there. Welcome new people, I am chuffed that you have arrived. I am now going to have a nosey at your blogs  :o)

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