Monday, May 27, 2013

Pop pop, poppin

It's been another glorious day here in North Lincolnshire, the sun has been shining and the birds have been twittering. A little bimble round the village, and pottering in the garden has kept me occupied, no need to go anywhere, no need to spend any money. Mind you, I will have to go food shopping in the next few days, the fridge is looking bare and in need of filling up. I have no fresh fruit or veg left, so it was tins and freezer food for me today.
I remembered I had this packet of corn in the cupboard, I bought it from Tesco a couple of months ago because it was on offer at 49p. I thought, oooh worth a try, I haven't popped corn before. I had to look up the method on yootoob.
A few splashes of extra virgin olive oil in a large pan. Then cover the bottom with corn, shake it about to make sure the corn is coated with the oil.
Put the lid on and light the gas. I used this glass lid from another pan because I wanted to see what happened.
It sort of got steamy, then the popping started. Wow, it was so loud, sounds like the whole pan is going to explode. I adjusted the gas, it needs to be mediumish, not too hot or it will burn.
Flippin heck, the pan is full. I had to scoop some off the top, and put it back on the gas for a few seconds, so that the corn on the bottom had all popped.
I've got masses of the stuff, now what do I do with it. It's going to take me ages to eat it. I know, another giveaway. Leave your comment to win a box of popcorn, ha ha. No only joking. I'll have it for breakfast, and maybe the birds would like some.
Anyone any ideas what I can do with it, can I make it sweet tasting, I don't fancy it savoury.
Toodle pop, oops, I mean pip.

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