Monday, May 6, 2013

Day 7. Retford to Epworth

Another sunny start to the day as I left the Tanamara Guest House in Retford. 
The weather has been ideal for walking, I only wish I hadn't brought my waterproof jacket and trousers with me, because I haven't needed them. In fact with all the sun shining down on me, the backs of my legs are burnt to a crisp, ha ha. I have kept my arms covered though, but have a nice healthy glow to my cheeks. A few minutes down the road and I was back on the Chesterfield Canal. I love these unusual spikey flowers, with massive leaves, growing along the waters edge. I have no idea what they are called.  
I followed the canal past Hayton and Clayworth, then came off it and cut the corner to take a path to Gringley on the Hill.This section of the canal I have walked before and posted about it. I then got onto the B1403 road to Misterton, which runs alongside the canal.   
I got back onto the canal again which runs along the backs of some houses. There were a few people out dog walking, and some with children who were feeding the swans.
Here we are arrived at West Stockwith Marina where the canal meets the River Trent.
Leaving West Stockwith along the road. I could have followed the river, the route I took when I did the Trent walk, but there are no B & B's along there, and I needed another overnight stop. The rest of the journey will be on the road, to take me through Haxey to Epworth, where I know I will get a bed.
I got a welcome party, these cows came running towards me as I passed this gate. Couldn't resist stopping to chat for a while. Aren't they lovely, I want to take them home. Too many to fit in my garden.
I really love you, give us a kiss, ha ha.
Tis funny what you see out in the countryside. I think someone is a tad miffed by the wording on this poster. It was at the entrance to a little copse, a few trees, nothing else, no buildings. I wonder if it did the trick to keep the vandals out.
I got onto the main A161 at Haxey and followed it to Epworth, there is a pavement all along it so I didn't have to walk on the road. Arriving at about 6pm I got a room in the Red Lion public house.  
The room wasn't in the actual pub building though, it was about six doors down between two shops, in a terraced house. I was given a key to the front door, and shown to the room upstairs. No one else was staying so I had the place to myself. I popped into the Co op across the road for something to eat. After a long days walking I don't feel like having a full dinner, I know I shall be having a breakfast, so a picnic snack is enough to keep me going. Besides it's too much effort to go out again once I have settled down to relax in the room. Today's miles are 19.78
Toodle pip.

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