Monday, May 6, 2013

Day 8. Epworth to finish.

I woke up feeling good on the last morning, all I had to do was to bimble on home. When I arrive at a B & B I just want to put my feet up and relax in front of the tele, sort through photo's and write the blog, internet permitting, so I take a shower in the morning before breakfast. Normally I can figure out how a basic shower works, turn the knob and hot water eventually comes tumbling down from the shower head, after you get a drenching with cold water first. But what to do when confronted with this beast? There are jets coming from all directions.
Where is the instruction book for this Tardis? Nowhere to be seen. I see it has a radio, very nice, I can stand in there and dance around to Radio 2 if I feel so inclined, but how do I get the flippin water out, and which bit of me will get blasted first? I twisted and turned the controls, a dribble of water here and there, first cold then scolding hot. Then it cascaded down from the collander like grill in the roof, and I had to squeeze to one side as I was in danger of getting my chesticles poached alive by the red hot deluge. 
After fiddling about with the controls for ten minutes, and managing to wash a bit of me, I gave up and tried to switch it off. It seemed to slow down to a dribble so I made a hasty retreat, escaped into the bathroom which by now felt a bit chilly due to me being boiled, poached, and baked in the Tardis.I finished my wash in the sink, and left the blasted thing hissing, dribbling and gurgling, while I went for breakfast. What a daft contraption it was. 
I left Epworth on a quiet minor road which took me to Beltoft, and over the top of the M180 motorway. Further on I joined the road that runs alongside the River Trent, at Derrythorpe. I came into Althorpe and had a short rest, it was about time I took a pic of Puddytat, who had been perched on the top of the rucksack all the way.    
I came to Althorpe Station and crossed the river over Gunness Bridge. Almost home now. I told myself to keep going, no stopping now, so close. I was back in familiar territory, past the docks, through Flixborough Industrial Estate, and back home along the bottom of the woods. This is the last hill I have to climb out of the woods, up there is my village. Wooohooo, I've done it :o)) 
It was 1.45pm, and the village was very quiet, everyone must have gone out for the day. As I got into my street I saw Barry who was out walking Scruff. Then a neighbour passed by. I had to empty the rucksack at the front door because I forgot to get the house key out in the morning when I packed it up. It was still in the bottom. After a bite to eat, I got in my car and hobbled around Tesco clinging onto a trolley, my fridge was bare and I needed some food, I also needed a can of cider, to celebrate.
Today was 12.82 miles. So how far have I walked in total?

147 miles 

I'm chuffed. Flippin good eh!
Toodle pip.

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