Thursday, May 16, 2013

One year older

Well, I'm one year older, another year has been and gone. Now I start on number 65, wonder what it will bring, more of the same I hope. The only part of me which is deteriorating at the moment is my memory, can't for the life of me remember where I put my teeth, only joking, God forbid when I have to have dentures, ha ha. This morning I couldn't find my specs, hopeless without them, on my hands and knees next to the bed, Heidi cat had knocked them onto the floor.
Thank you all for your good wishes and kind words, I'm feeling a bit guilty though. The card thing was a joke, you didn't really think I had that many did you? Ooops, ha ha. You know me, a bit of a clown. Some of those cards are more than forty years old, some were sent to my mother from me and my sister and brother, and I can't bear to part with them. There are so many memories there, to be treasured until the day I die. 
I actually only had three cards, which I am pleased about, I tell people not to bother because I have all the cards I need. I don't expect anyone to send me a card, because I don't send them one. I would much rather pick up the phone and speak to friends and family to keep in touch.
My day was enjoyable, this morning I took my two black lab friends for a walk along the hills. The cargo boat was heading out towards the Humber and the North Sea, after docking upstream at either Gunness or Flixborough. I watched it zigzag from one bank to the other to avoid the sandbanks. It's very shallow in places.

Alfie and Ollie posing for the camera. Now the woods are greening up it is lovely with the sunlight flickering through the trees.
I couldn't be bothered to make lunch, so I had it out, in the local cafe in the High Street. Please note, that this was a one off, I will not be doing it again. The sandwich was £4.50 and the drink 90p.
It's a popular cafe in the mornings for breakfast, and they have a Bistro Night from time to time, which is always sold out.
This afternoon I had a bimble around town. I paid a bill at the bank, had a look in a couple of charity shops, picked up a few essentials from B & M Discount Store, and looked round the exhibitions in the Arts Centre.
Now was there anything else I should mention? Ah yes, before I forget, the winners of the three shopping bags. Here they are, well done. I need three postal addresses from you please so I can get them off to you pronto. My email address is on the side bar. Sorry that you all couldn't win, maybe next time when I make some more bags. Someone asked if I sell them, sorry, I don't. I would rather give them away, don't want to get into the situation of running a small business, it's a hobby which I fit in around everything else I do.
Someone also asked about buying a cat food pouch bag. I made them to show what can be made from recycling rubbish. I use them for demonstration purposes when I do talks for groups, to encourage others to have a go, and think about the rubbish they throw away. I haven't got time to make any more at the moment.
Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip.

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