Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Gritty bits driving me mental

D'ya know what, I'm a bit late with this tonight, I've been to Tesco for the late shop, and d'ya know what, I got quite a lot of yellow stickers. Big reductions on brussel sprouts, spinach, layered cheese salad, prepared carrots and peas, noodles, and muffins. And d'ya know what, there was six packs of yogurts reduced to half price, just because the pots had separated from each other. They were bagged up and marked down with a yellow sticker. Well I'm going to separate them anyway, before I eat them, so d'ya know what, I don't mind that someone else has separated them. Done me a favour they have.
D'ya know what, I have decided I don't like popcorn. D'ya know why, it's because you chew on it for ages, and you can never get rid of the gritty bits. D'ya know what, I ended up stepping outside, and spitting them all over the garden, I was so fed up of chewing. D'ya know what, there's no way I can swallow all those hard bits, I mean, what happens to them when they go down my gullet and into my stomach, how can my gastric juices possibly break that down, surely it's going to come out the other end in much the same state as it went in, so what's the point. D'ya know what, I'm definately not going to be poppin any more. My poor digestive system can't cope with me swallowing a lot of grit.
D'ya know what, I split up my babies today, here they are all in their own pots. Talk to them nicely for me, and they will hopefully turn into big yellow flowers. Thank you for all the tips on growing them. I'll keep you posted on their progress, or demise if they should keel over and die.
D'ya know what, everyone is starting sentences with d'ya know what. They keep doing it on Coronation Street, and d'ya know what, it's cropping up all over the place. They don't say 'do you know what', oh no, they say d'ya know what.  What a sloppy way of talking, and what is the point of it. The person doing the listening is going to know what, by the time the one speaking has finished, so why start with d'ya know what? D'ya know what, I will scream if I hear d'ya know what, one more time. You have a listen to people talking, see how many times you hear it. D'ya know what, it will drive you mental after a while.

D'ya know what, I had another email today from a female asking if she could write a guest post. The subjects she offered were, Bailiffs what powers do they have, Is bankruptsy for you, and Administration orders, whatever that is. She said she would love to contribute to my blog. What a damn cheek, is she insinuating that I am not capable of writing my own posts. D'ya know what, if the time comes when my head is completely empty of any ideas, if my brain siezes up completely, and my fingers can't find the right letters on the keyboard, then that is the time to pack up. Untill then, you're stuck with me I'm afraid.
D'ya know what, I'm going to bed.
Toodle pip.

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