Sunday, July 7, 2013

Camping at Street, a place in Somerset, I think.

Well here I am 250 miles later, the tent is up outside the Youth Hostel in Street. Funny name for a place isn't it, not sure why it's called Street, it's like they couldn't think of anything else. So, I am in Street. 
I stopped off to visit my nephew who lives near Nuneaton in Warwickshire, he has recently moved into a new house. Not new new, but new to him. It needs a bit of work doing to it but he is chuffed to bits with it. 
It's a long drive down here, and it's been roasting hot all day. I made another stop to break the journey up, at Stow on the Wold. It's a pretty Cotswold village, very popular with tourists. Most of them had gone home by the time I got there, so it was nice and quiet. I took a few pictures to give you a flavour of what it's like in this part of the country. 

I arrived at the hostel at about 7.30pm. It's like a wooden shed, it's got a balcony on the upper floor, nice and cool to sit out on. I am in the dining area writing this, I need to be plugged in. Well here is my bed for the next three nights, I think I'm going to be rather hot in there. I've made contact with Kath, and we are meeting up tomorrow. I'm so excited, I feel as if I have known her for ages, I'm sure we are going to get on like a house on fire.   
Oooh, I've just looked out of the window, and I can't see my tent, it's dark out there. I'll go and get myself tucked up in bed, on the camp bed. Camping, more like Glamping, ha ha.
Toodle pip.

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