Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Recycling plastic bags

It was raining this morning so this little project kept me busy for a couple of hours. I had two empty cereal bags which I thought I would turn into a shopping bag. These were from the big 10kg box of cereal which I bought from the cash and Carry for £6. That's two bags eaten, one more to go. I cut along the bottom and opened up the sides to give two large pieces of plastic. One for the back and one for the front. They were too big so I cut them down to a large shopping bag size.
Then I found some red plastic and cut two pieces of that as well. For the front I cut out a window with wavy edges. I found a picture of a clown on another plastic bag and placed it in the centre window. On top of that I put a piece of clear plastic. Then I covered it in a sheet of brown baking paper, and ironed it all over with a hot iron. This fuses the layers of plastic together and makes it extra strong. If you want to try it, it's important to iron right up to the edges because the layers can seperate if you miss a bit. Small circular movements are best when ironing.
Fot the back I left it all red, and decorated it with random bits cut from other plastic bags. Sew the two sides together inside out, and turn it the right way. Fold several layers over to make the handles and iron them flat. And there you have it, a very strong bag, that cost nothing. Here is another bag I made similar to this one. And a bit more about fusing plastic here.
I took my application in to the Arts Centre this afternoon, entering four of the car body panels into the Open Exhibition. What a palarva that was. Apparently people are only allowed to enter three pieces, it didn't say that on the form. Admittedly there was only three spaces to write in the details, but I just used two forms, made sense to me. So what we ended up doing was to pair two of the pieces together because they were the same size and came from the same car, and listed them as one entry. Then I had to put a price on them, because if they are not for sale, you have to prove you have insurance for them, and I haven't. One of the ladies told me what she thought they were worth, which was a bit more than the number I had in mind. I thought my guess was high, but no, she thought that was ok.
They have to go through the judging system, and if they are accepted, and they sell, I shall be rich. I'm not going to build up my hopes though, they might not get chosen. I don't care if they don't sell, just getting them into the exhibition would be nice.
On the way home guess who I passed on the road? Joanna who lives in the 1939 house. She was pedalling away on her old fashioned bicycle, dressed in her forties gear, pigtails blowing in the wind, looking like a Land Girl. I gave her a wide berth because it's a fast road. I have cycled down there myself and it's hairy the way cars come close to you.
I am going to have to go shopping soon, I have hardly anything left to eat, except a few tins, and packets of rice and pasta. The fridge is empty, so is the freezer apart from a few peas. No milk left, I've been putting water on my cereals, yes it is possible, ha ha. No bread left so I can't make toast or sandwiches. I will buy just enough to get me to the end of this week, and some food to take on holiday for next week. I might as well leave the fridge switched off for the week, and stock up when I get back. 
This is the dinner I cobbled together tonight. Last bit of cucumber, last bit of broccoli, some peas, and the mixture is chopped pickled onions and the last of the spinach cooked in a little oil, and two eggs scrambled into it. It was very nice actually. Simple, just how I like it.  
I'll catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip.

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