Saturday, July 20, 2013

Waiting for the flowers

Hiya peeps, hope you are enjoying your Saturday night. I started this post two hours ago, but I got a bit distracted, looking for a vid on yootoob, one thing led to another, two hours of free entertainment. I just love those Flash Mobs, all singing and dancing, makes me feel hap hap happy. Anyway, must get on. This is me stood in front of the sunflowers. Plenty of sun but no flowers yet. They are coming, but how much taller are they going to be. Now they have overtaken me at 5ft 6ins.
Guess what was for dinner tonight. Yes, you've got it, VEGETABLES  :o)) a good mix. From the garden radishes broad beans and a courgette. From the reduced stash, carrots, green beans, broccoli, and asparagus. Still loads more left, not started on the swede and cauliflower yet. I made a bit too much actually, I will finish it off for lunch tomorrow.
Breakfast was bran flakes topped with a banana. Mid morning was blackberries, blue berries, and a peach, topped with plain yogurt. Lunch was two scrambled eggs which Compost woman gave me, and half a tin of beans, on toast. I've just finished the bottle of wine which I had over three days. To stretch it a bit further I mixed it with grapefruit and orange fruit juice, nice and refreshing.

Thank you all for your kind comments regarding my artworks being accepted. There is a private viewing on Friday night, for all the artists who are exhibiting. I shall look forward to that. Debbie I will send you a map on how to get there, in time for your visit in August.
Have a nice Sunday. Toodle pip.

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