Saturday, July 27, 2013

Mishmash post

Hello, a bit of catching up to do here. First off, I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't want to bother with the new fangled Googlie profiles, and join circles. Thanks to Compostwoman who directed me to her post about it, and included a link which gives instructions on how to get out of it. I will copy it here in case you want to opt out as well. Going back to your blogger profile.
Talking about food, we aren't actually, but some food always sneaks in here somewhere, ha ha. I was reading about Sue's little adventure of getting into juicing food, and it has prompted me to increase my own intake of raw vegetables. I don't have a juicer and don't plan to buy one, but I am quite happy to mash my veg into a pulp in my Kenwood mixer, which hasn't seen the light of day for many years. The reason I don't use it very much is that the quantities needed to make a good mishmash are far too great for one person. I have another smaller gadget which makes smaller quantities. Also to minimise washing up, which I hate, I'd rather not mess up more pots than I need to.
Yesterday the Kenwood came out, ok let's give it a go. My collection of healthy greens. Watercress and cucumber from the shop. Broad beans, runner beans, and courgette from the garden.    
Stick it in the pot, and whizzzzz.
Then what did I do with it? To save washing up, I ate it straight from the mixer bowl with a spoon, nothing added. It was mighty nice, peppery from the watercress, and each mouthful was satisfying knowing there was no crap in it. I'm going to have more meals like this.
Last night was the opening of the exhibition at the Arts Centre, Janet came with me. There was free drinks and nibbles, and presentations to the winners. No prize for me, I didn't expect anything, knowing how high the standard was likely to be. It was nice to see my name in the programme, and to be able to chat with the other artists. Here is the first one, called Reclaimed. I like the way they have hung it at an angle, and it seems to fit in well with the others on the wall.  
Here is the yellow one, called erm, Yellow. Don't like the position of this one, too low down, easier for people to touch. They have also put the wrong price on this one. It's ridiculously high.
And this is the one they didn't hang. There was a cock up. Garden was entered as a pair with Yellow, because they are a similar shape and from the same car. The judges decided they only wanted Yellow, that's why the price is high, it is for two pieces. How chuffing annoying, they have rejected the best piece. What do they know anyway, I like it so it is good. Oh well, it's back on my living room wall.  
On the way home there was a beautiful sunset, I drove a different way hoping to get a good shot of it. I wanted to get the chemical works in the foreground, but there wasn't a good vantage point, and the sun quickly went out of sight over the horizon. This is the best I could do.  
Janet was waiting for me in the car as I scrambled up a mucky bank. She took a photo of me with her phone, which I think is pretty good. Nice composition.
I'm plodding on with the patchwork, still not decided what it is going to be, several ideas floating around. I ought to be out walking really, too much to do, too little time. Have a nice weekend.
Toodle pip.

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