Wednesday, July 17, 2013

It's a balancing act

It's not very often you see something do exactly what it says on the packet. There are many a false claim bandied about in the name of marketing and promotion. We read some fantastical statements and think, 'oh yeah, pull the other leg it's got bells on, as if I am soft enough to believe that', ha ha. Well I don't believe everything I read either, up until now. 
So these packets of balancing facial wipes, I don't believe for one minute that they can balance. They are flat and smooth, with four pointy corners, how on earth can they balance, they would fall off surely!  
I decided to give it a try, up for a challenge that's me. I wondered what I could get them to balance on, nothing too easy, like a brush or a cloth, no it had to be something quite narrow with rounded edges, let's make it difficult. I know, I'll try a small branch out of the garden.
So with steady hand, I carefully placed the packets along the wood, on their pointy ends. To lay them flat would be too simple. Blimey, you could knock me down with a feather, look at this, they are indeed balancing. Well I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. It's chuffin amazing, I must have some supernatural powers.
And in case you are doubting me, take a closer look. They are not supported in any way. They are not tied up with string or cotton, they are not hanging from something up above, they are balancing independantly all by themselves.
They do what they say on the packet.....balance.
Good eh! Think the sun is getting to me :o)

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