Monday, July 22, 2013

Lets start quilting

Is there anybody out there, or have you all gone home. OK, I surrender, is it safe to come out now. Didn't she cause a big kerfuffle, that Nellie doesn't mince her words. Still, when she gets a bee in her bonnet about something, she just lets rip. Ha ha, you gotta give her credit for her plain speaking. The daily page views went through the roof, there's steam coming out of the monitor as I type.
Now, where was I, oh yes, this was yesterdays dinner, and todays lunch. This meal was made without cooking, it's chopped raw vegetables. Carrots, broad beans, cucumber, radishes, mixed nuts, and sliced mushrooms, on a bed of rocket salad. I had some of the Tesco dips with it. It was gorgeous.
I fancied doing a bit of sewing today, and started a quilt. I'm not really sure what it's going to be, if it takes too long to make I might make something smaller out of it. I don't really need a bed quilt so I might make a cushion cover, or a cat bed, I don't know, I'll see how it goes. Sew some squares together and see what happens. I thought the squares would be easier, not too much brain power needed. Might do a different shape after this one. Squares are alright to start with. So, cut 25 x 3inch squares out of paper.
Then cut 25 pieces of fabric, bigger than the squares to account for the seams. I used a coaster as a template.
Press the seams with a hot iron.
And sew them together in strips, then join the two strips.
Use tiny stitches, and press the seams flat.
Well that's a start. I will make some more of these 25x3inch pieces in different colours, and join them together, and stop when I get fed up.
Tonights dinner steamed veg again, time to attack the cauliflower. More broccoli, asparagus, radishes, broad beans, and two yellow courgettes. The mushrooms I quartered and cooked them in sesame seed oil, wholegrain mustard, and pesto. It was wonderful, I am stuffed.   
It has rained for the past two nights, but I am still having to water the veg from the tap because it is still quite warm and the rain is evaporating. The wind is getting up so there might be more rain tonight. I'd better get on with the job before it gets dark.
Toodle pip.
Kate, if you're reading this, push a bit harder, we are all waiting.

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