Friday, July 5, 2013

Market Rasen bimble

I've had a lovely day out in Market Rasen. It's a small town famous for it's Race Course, and it's a bit like Louth, only not as big. That's what I like to see, free parking. No need to look for free parking in the street, I can park anywhere. I noticed all the car parks were pretty full, so that's one way of getting the shoppers to come into town, now why can't it be free everywhere.
I parked near the railway station, and on the grass verge of the short road leading up to the station is this little fella standing on his plinth. It's a wood carving, but is in need of some TLC as it's becoming weather beaten and cracked.
The station looks very tidy. There are several windows which have been given the cartoon picture postcard look.
First of all I had a bimble around the town before I went off for a walk. The Methodist Church is a magnificent building, but why did they have to spoil the look of it by draping a tacky banner across the front. If you look round the back it is massive, it's the biggest Methodist Church I have seen.  
The Salvation Army were open for business. There was a Country Market, plants, local produce and crafts were for sale. Also a cafe which seemed popular.
Next door is their charity shop.
In the Market Place is this very attractive pub front, and around the back is an outdoor seating area for dining and drinking. A few people were partaking of refreshments.
It was market day, but only three stalls had turned up. There was a fish monger, a green grocer, and a plant seller. It's a lovely market square, I sat on a bench and had my sandwich, watching people go about their daily business.
This town house was just to the right of the old mill, picture below.
The four storey old mill has been converted to apartments, and through the gate are a lot more old buildings which have been converted to dwellings. I had a nosey around, there are private courtyards with parking round the back. It looks a lovely place to live, sort of secluded but close to the town.
I set off out of the town and came across a large lorry parked outside a charity shop in the main street. The young driver was throwing bags of clothing into the back, the sides were already bulging as it was quite full. The sweat was running down his face as he heaved the last bag in and closed the doors. What a hard job he had, I asked him what happens to the bags. He said he collects all the clothing that charity shops can't sell, and takes them back to Yorkshire where they are unloaded and put on another lorry to go to the docks, to be loaded onto a boat and sent to third world countries. After a bit of trucking chat, he proudly told me he had passed his Class 1 test two weeks ago, and has given his notice in because he wants a job driving artics. He is off to Ireland to get a job over there, and to live with his girlfriend. I wished him well.
I chose a minor road which took me past the back of the race course. There is a house next to the entrance and it looks as if they have had a tree taken down. Instead of chopping it off at ground level they have made a sculpture out of the trunk. Now it looks like a horse and jockey taking a jump over the hedge. What a good idea, it made me smile.
If you fancy going to watch the horse racing, here are the prices to get in. I have only once been to watch it, somewhere in Yorkshire I think. I didn't like it very much, I won't bother again, I feel sorry for the horses.
Just past the race course I turned off right down a track, through a wood, and alongside a field. It was a glorious day, the perfume from the wild flowers was lovely.
Back into a wood again.
This is the church at Legsby. There was no bench to sit on, so I sat on the grass for a few minutes.
There is a place on the map called Little London, and this is the only sign I could find for it.
Just opposite the signpost is this front garden full of roses, isn't it fabulous.
I was coming along the road heading back to town when I came across a sign for High Ropes Adventure, on the edge of Ling Plantation. Through the trees I could see some hanging ropes so I decided to take a closer look. It's like an adventure playground.
There was no one there so I picked up a leaflet. It looks quite exciting.
There are some rings to hang from, and a zip wire.
And lots of ladders to climb. Don't think I'm up to that, though I fancy the zip wire.
Just a short walk today, ten miles. I really enjoyed it. I made a little video but not had time to upload it to yootoob yet, I might do that tomorrow. I shall have to stop now, my brain has ceased to function properly.

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