Sunday, July 14, 2013

The fridge is bare, so resort to plan B

Wotcha cock, how's your Sunday been? Another scorcher here, and they forecast more heat for another week. Well I won't be going very far then, I need to keep coming back into the house to cool down. This morning I had a big tidy up in the front garden, and filled the brown bin ready for collection tomorrow. Weeds pulled out and bushes trimmed.
Here's an update on the sunflowers. The tallest one is four feet high. Some of them have reached the top of the canes.  
I can't see many flowers emerging yet, this looks like it might develop into a bloom.
The fridge is still bare, cleared out before I went away. Not sure when I am going shopping, s'pose I had better go and buy some food soon.
In the meantime, I have got something ready for eating, in the garden. Broad beans and potatoes. The potatoes are a bit small, I won't pick any more until they have had a chance grow a bit bigger. I had a firkle through the beds and pulled a few out for my meal tonight.  
I also had a rummage through the bed where I scattered the radish, carrots, and parsnip seeds. I put far too many in and it is all a bit crowded. But surprise surprise, I have a good crop of radishes. As I eat the biggest ones it will leave room for the others to carry on growing to a decent size. .  
So this is my dinner tonight. Steamed potatoes, broad beans, and radishes, and a shop bought onion, drizzled with sesame seed oil. Deelishus.
Thank you Janet, for watering everything for me last week. Now I have something to eat. It won't be long before the courgettes are ready, then there will be runner beans as they are all in flower now. Yippeeee, cheap food picked fresh from the garden.
The credit card statement for this month has landed, and it's a whopper. The car repairs, new specs, petrol and food from Tesco, and two lots of hostel bookings. Phew, it's a good job I am frugal and have saved up for these things. It will get paid in full, as always, every month. In the meantime, I shall continue to be mean and tight, and a skinflint when it comes to my every day living expenses. It's the only way to survive. I hope you are managing to keep up with the rising cost of living, don't let it beat you.  
Toodle pip.   

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