Monday, July 15, 2013

Start Making Money Online by YOUTUBE | Earn Money Online without Investing Anything

Hello Friend, Today I am Going to Share about How to Make Money from Youtube by Uploading Videos. Youtube is the Biggest Video Site and You can Upload Your Made Videos and can Monetize them with Google AdSense ads. If You are unaware of Google AdSense then, go here and Learn more about Google AdSense Program Self by Google. (Visit Google AdSense Site). In Short, AdSense is a free, simple way to earn money by displaying targeted ads next to your online content. With AdSense, you can show relevant and engaging ads to your site visitors and even customize the look and feel of ads to match your website. Every Blogger has a Dream to get Accepted in Google Adsense program but Google choose the one who have the Best Quality Content. 

NOTE:  Google Adsense is Not any Get Quick Rich scheme or Lottery System. They are Very Caring for their ads, Don't try to make them fool or try to Trick them. This may Disable your Adsense Account and you will be kick out forever.

So lets back to Topic on Make Money from Youtube Videos. Google provides Adsense for websites/blogs, Youtube videos, online games and mobile content. But Google Adsense Program for Video is best because you don't need any Website or Blog to Get Google Ads. For Videos all you should have a Working Youtube Channel and Quality Original Your Created Videos.

You have some Questions Like I don't have any Bucks or any Knowledge of Video Editing or Photography can I still make Money? the Answer is Yes!! of course you can still make money. You Earn from Youtube in the Same way as Other Earn from their Site or Blog. The ads will be show in Videos and you we be credited for the no.s of Ads views / Video views and no.s of Clicks.

I have Frequently use the Word Channel ( Your Channel). Actually Channel is the Home Page of your all Videos. As Peoples can Subscribe to Your Channel and when ever You will publish any Video will be automatically show on their Pages. Getting More no. of Subscribe helps you to Get more No. of Views. After getting 1000 subscriber your account becomes the Feature Account and Your some related and Famous Videos can be shown in the corner of the Youtube Page. 

How to Get Subscriber? tell your Gmail or any other contacts and other Friend to Follow Your Channel. Make Good Quality video will help you in getting Subscriber Faster.

Now I had Prepare Step-by-Step Tutorial which will help you in How you can Make Money from YouTube Videos.

You should have Adsense Account associated with your YouTube Account. I m Assuming that You have the Adsense Account Associated to Youtube Account. If don't then
  1. Click here to see Step by Step how to Apply for Youtube Partner Program and Get your Adsense Account.
1. Create YouTube Account : Create a Youtube account first to begin anything, If you have Gmail Account then it is the Same for Youtube too. If you don't have Email id then I recommend

2. Upload your Content or Video : Your Video is your Every Thing here. Reputation of your channel and the Peoples going to subscribe you.
  • Decide your Niche, Your Topic on which you are going to Further publish the Content.
  • Set the Channel name and URL with respect to Your Niche Topic. 
  • So try to Upload Good Quality Videos. Better the Quality the more Peoples Eye will Love it.
  • Video should not be too Long, this may cause User get boor and may leave your video with a Thumbs Down.
  • Try to Upload 2-3 Video in a Week to keep your Channel Live and Updated.
3. How to Upload Video to YouTube with Keyword Stuffing:
  •  Upload your Videos
  • Go to -> Choose Video Option.
  • Type your Video Topic and Click on Suggest.
  • Get your Keyword and Paste in Description of your Videos.
  • Put nearly 25 Keywords
  • Choose labels in Youtube and Title according to Your Topic. It's Better to Make a Research on Youtube by Searching.
  • Then Publish your Video.

4. Increase Subscriber, Increase your Audience : The More the View the higher will be Your Earning. How to Increase your Audience.
  • Share on Social Network. Facebook,Twitter,Stumble upon.
  • Comment with your Blog URL in Forums,Other Related Video,Other Blogs.
  • Share with Friends.
  • Add Proper Keywords in Description.
  • Make a Blog at and add the Video in post by Coping the Embed Code and Paste in as HTML Post format. Add more Videos and Share that Blog.
  • After Getting more then 1000 Subscriber your Video are shown in Right Corner of Youtube in Feature Video Box which will bring a Lot of Views.
  • Find or Research on Increasing Youtube Subscriber.
5. Now How to Make Money from Youtube Videos :
  1. Apply for Youtube Partner Program:
    1. Click here to see Step by Step how to Apply for Youtube Partner Program.
    2. Important step you should know. Properly and Carefully Read the Privacy Policy of Youtube Partner Program and Google Adsense Privacy policy. If you violate any then you may Lose your Both Youtube and Google Adsense account.
    3. Google Adsense is for only who is above 18. If you are not 18 then try alternative ( you can ask your Father for Help)
  2. Choose If you Already have Adsense Account : Then Link the Adsense Account with your Youtube Channel Account and Start your Earning.
6. Patience is the Next Step. Just Go to Sleep, have some coffee and go for walk for next Video Ideas and Search Google on How to Increase the YouTube Views and Youtube Subscriber. Check out YouTube for your Niche Related Videos.

If it Helped you then Share it.

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