Thursday, July 25, 2013

New fangled, my posterior !!!

I am a little bit baffled about these new Google Profiles that I see popping up everywhere. When I try to comment on some blogs I get a different box open up, different to the norm. It asks me to create a Google profile, but I don't want to, I have a blogger profile, is that not enough, why would I want another one? The consequence of that is I don't comment on those blogs which have this new fangled way of doing things. I don't like new fangled, I am used to the old way. I don't want to get involved in other peoples circles, or recruit others into my circle. I don't want a circle at all. I am an independent blogger, I go where I like, I read other peoples blogs and they read mine, that's good enough for me. I don't want to be joined at the hip, afraid of missing out on the gossip, that's not my style.

I also keep getting hassled by Yootoob. I am registered on there because it's the easiest way to get my videos onto my blog. I made up a name for that account, but now they want me to change it to my own name. I don't want to, I like my made up name, I know it's me, that's all that matters. I am getting fed up of being bullied into changing it.

Anyway, that's got that off my chesticles. Not a lot to report tonight. I've been doing more sewing, done some litter picking, watered the veg garden, and had a bath, haven't I been busy. A man is coming from British Gas tomorrow to change the electricity meter. They rang me eventually when I couldn't be bothered to ring them. I told them on the phone that I didn't want a new fangled Smart Meter, because it says on the paperwork that I don't have to have one. If he brings one, I shall tell him where to stick it. I don't want my electricity supply hooked up to a computer, don't want them spying on me. 'Oooh look, she's switched the kettle on'. Nosey beggers. The old meter has worked perfectly well for the last 17 years, I want to keep it.
Toodle pip     

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