Monday, July 29, 2013

Many hands make crafty work

That was a nice start to the week, a Monday morning Chat and Craft  group at the Village Hall. It's only two minutes walk from where I live, a very convenient location. It's close to the Post Office so I popped in to pay my council tax as well, and have a nosey at the posters on the notice board. We had a break for coffee and jaffa cakes, must remember to take my own sugar next week, as we had to borrow some from another cupboard in the kitchen. A small fee of £1 was payable to cover the cost of Ann's leaflet printing and the refreshments, and the small charge for the use of room.
We were six in total, so what was everyone doing? Sorry, can't remember everyone's name, but to my left was some very intricate embroidery work going on.
Opposite me was a lady knitting a warm wooly winter skirt.
On my right there was some sketching going on.
At the end of the table, measuring a piece of knitting, is that enough?
And on the other side of the table was some more sketching.
I added some more squares to the patchwork. In the early stages this can be transported anywhere to work on. Preparing the squares beforehand, you only need a needle and cotton and a pair of scissors. Put it in a bag and Bob's your uncle, easy peasy craft work to take with you.
Someone mentioned ironing the seams to the darker squares to get rid of the problem of transparent fabric. It wouldn't work with this because of the way I stitch it. The seams go flat. Right, I'm off to carry on with this, the weather is a bit crazy so I'll stick around here today. A quick visit to the mobile library a bit later, and that will be my lazy Monday taken care of.
Toodle pip

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