Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I can see clearly now

Aha me hearties, got my new specs today, here they are. After all the trauma of choosing them, I'm quite happy with them. Well as happy as I ever will be, as a specy hating grumpy old woman. They have a gold half frame with a slight tinge of pink to them. They are lightweight, a good fit, and feel quite comfortable, so I spose they will do me for a few years. The bonus is I can see pretty good out of them as well.  
Here is a mini tour of the garden. It's been hot again today, so I am watering everything like crazy. I'm afraid I am having to use tap water, we haven't had any rain for ages. Every time I water, the frogs jump about to get out of the way. I use a watering can because my hosepipe has more holes in it than a sieve. The broad beans are ginormous, almost as tall as me.
The runner beans are all in flower, and they are a lot taller than me.
Some yellow courgettes. A bit small at the moment. There are five courgette plants altogether, the others are producing green ones.
This is the crazy mixed bed of chucked on seeds. There are some huge radishes in there, I ate six more for my dinner tonight.
Three beds of potatoes. There are frogs in there as well. I have to be careful when I walk about, so as not to step on one. They must have had some babies as they are quite small.
And another update on the sunflowers. They have gained another five inches, so now the tallest one is 4ft 5ins.
I was going to go shopping tonight, but decided to mow the lawns and forgot all about it. I bought a few bits from Aldi while I was in town today. They don't have much in there to tempt me, but they are ok for a few basics. I bought bananas, yogurt, a cucumber, two packs of soft cheese, and some broccoli. I got some cheddar cheese from B & M. That will keep me going. I might go to Tesco tomorrow night. Maybe, possibly, if I feel like it, if I can be bothered.

Dinner tonight was steamed radishes, broccoli, onion, and broad beans, with grated cheese over it. I have a  little bit of watering left to do, must get on. Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip.

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