Friday, July 19, 2013

No faff food

Good evening. Another hot day today. I delivered my artworks to the Arts Centre, but didn't hang around for long in town, straight back, just too darn hot. In a previous post Veronica says she is interested in how I use the ingredients I bought at Tesco. I hope you aren't looking for some amazing recipes, sorry to disappoint, but my meals are mostly quite simple. I don't faff around in the kitchen. On the odd occasion when I play a little it's because I am bored, otherwise lunches and dinners are knocked up in about five to ten minutes. Like this one for example. Last night I had steamed vegetables, with mushrooms in a garlic sauce made with garlic flavoured soft cheese and yogurt.
Just out of curiosity I counted the fruits in these two containers. To compare value for money. There were 23 blackberries.
And the normal price is £2, and they come from Herefordshire in the UK. What a flippin rip off. Paying all that money for so little when they have maybe had a couple of journeys in the back of a lorry. I bet the grower doesn't get very much money at all for this, probably what I paid for them.
And how many blueberries? 88 to be exact.
These also cost £2 and were flown over from the USA, so a big transport cost there. So which are the best value? Both of them are unaffordable to most people, but if I could afford one of them I would pick the blueberries. But flying food those distances is not good for the planet. Best to eat local if you can, so maybe I should choose the blackberries. No on second thoughts I will pick them from the hedgerows for nothing.
On to my dinner for tonight. As you can see, much the same as last night, except, no mushrooms, couldn't be bothered to cook them, besides I had raw mushrooms for lunch..
Instead I had some of the dips with it. The Value dips cost 98p, and lasts me for about a week. Saves making sauce, and messing up a pan. I'm not a big fan of sauce anyway, I'd rather have my food naked so I can taste it.
Sue suggests freezing some of the food I bought, she mentions the soft fruit and the broccoli. I think some foods turn to mush when you freeze them, and become tasteless. I much prefer to eat them fresh. I will freeze my own excess of runner beans, but not the courgettes because they go mushy. I don't like frozen broccoli, cabbage, or cauliflower. Tasteless mush. I suppose you could say I am a bit finnicky about food. I never boil veg, it ruins it. I never fry food, except onions and mushrooms in a pan to make something to go with pasta or rice. I hate tinned veg but will tolerate mushypeas and sweetcorn, everything else is tasteless. I bought a tin of carrots and a tin of potatoes to take on holiday so it wouldn't go off in my car, and quick to warm up in the self catering kitchen. They were horrible, overcooked tasteless mush, yuk :o(

Anyway, that's all for tonight folks, 9.30pm and I've got to get the washing in off the line, and do a bit of watering up. The cats are in for the night so all is well. Have a good weekend. I think it's going to be a hot one, so I won't be going anywhere.
Toodle pip.

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