Sunday, May 24, 2015

A little bit more work on the bespoke summer house

Hello. I'll get on with this while I'm feeding my face, multitasking, I can chew while I type, ha ha. As you can see the roof is on. I have used the panels exactly as they were, didn't need to cut any off. There is a good overhang which is what I wanted. I had to move four of the support boards, I spaced them evenly across the top but they needed to be two for each panel with the outer ones being right on the edge. Each panel has two screws at each end holding it in place. Although it is pretty solid I might add some more. We have had a bit of wind, but I wouldn't want them to take off across the neighbours garden if it gets very blustery. 
Front left corner.
I need to seal the joins with tape, that will be a job and a half, my step ladder is not high enough and my arms are not long enough. It rained this morning and I went out to inspect it. I couldn't see any leaks, but I think it still needs the tape. The rain ran off it, it has a slope.

Front right corner.

The side against the back hedge.
The floor is next. I don't have enough slabs, and the ground is not level, so a bit of jiggery pokery going on here. I need to shuffle them around. I stopped at this point, needed to eat.

And this is my no cook dinner. All gone now, scoffed the lot. Iceberg lettuce, pickled onions, grated carrot, beetroot, Wensleydale cheese with apricots, and I opened one of the big tins of mixed bean salad. I thought I might make a bean curry but then I couldn't be bothered, I might make it tomorrow.

I'll sign off now, the dawg wants a walk. We are still meeting at the crafty club tomorrow, even though it is Bank Holiday. Enjoy your day off.
Toodle pip

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