Saturday, May 9, 2015

Hair today, and gone today.

Hiya. I've saved myself a bit of money today. Not sure how much a cut and blow dry costs these days in a salon, but that's how much I've saved by doing it myself. As I have mentioned before I have two doors facing each other, I hang a mirror on each so I can see the back of my head. I snip away at it with a large pair of scissors, trimming until I reach the desired length. My goldilocks are on the mat. 
Here are the before and after pics. When it gets to this length the style does not suit my face, I look like an afghan hound. I don't like it too short either because that makes me look like a fella  ;o(
This is just right. I gave up trying to explain to hairdressers how I like it. I always came away looking like I had been scalped, or they took so little off it was hard to tell I had even sat in the chair. At last I have found a good hairdresser, me, ha ha.

Lunch today was the rest of the Quorn and sprout mixture, with couscous, beetroot, the last tomato, and grated carrot. 
Tonight's dinner was a belly buster, I've made too much, oooops. Couscous, I made extra earlier, sprouts, carrots, frozen sweetcorn and peas. Oh my, I couldn't manage it all so there's some left for tomorrow's lunch.

Hoooray, the sun has come out at last, and it's only 7.30pm. Been waiting for it all day. Nothing done in the garden, it's been a sewing day. I'd better get off here and take the dog out, then I'm off to sit with Janet's cats, and watch a bit of tele. Catch you tomorrow.
Toodle pip

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