Wednesday, May 13, 2015

I have a roof over my head

Hello. Oh dear, late again tonight, I'll crack on. These are the long pieces of wood I scrounged yesterday. Looks like they might have once been on the front of a house just below the guttering. They are dirty, full of nails, and some of the ends are rotten. I need five or six pieces at eight feet long. 
First I pulled all the nails out, then I sawed them to the right length, then I painted them. The easy way was to put two plastic bowls on the edge of a raised bed and lay the timbers on that.

Look at Heidi, ha ha. I put these old net curtains around a bed of broad bean plants, to stop the cats getting onto it. Looks like she has found a corner to lay on, luckily there are no plants around the edges.

It was a lovely sunny day with no wind. Mayze finding a bit of shade under a hedge.

Bugsy is a sun worshiper, he loves it. The old boy is soldiering on. There's been many a time when I thought he wouldn't last much longer, then he picks up again. Must be all that chicken I am feeding him.
It gets a bit too warm for Rocky, he goes to find a shady spot after a while.

After slaving away with a saw and a paint brush, I ended up with six x 8 feet pieces. I spaced them out across the top and nailed them down at both ends, with a few inches overhang. Looking good so far. 
The structure is very solid and sturdy. I climbed up the sides of the pallets on my neighbours side, to nail the boards on.

I haven't found anything for the roof yet, so for the time being I have put a couple of sheets over the top, which I already had. This is a temporary arrangement to keep the rain out so I can get on with painting the doors and finishing the floor. I've tied the corners down.
 I have some market stall heavy duty clips which are very handy.

I can still do a truckers granny knot, it's a bit like roping and sheeting a load on a trailer, ha ha. 
Ideally I could do with a very large piece of clear plastic 8 feet square, for the roof, but I'm not sure if they make them that big. I'll probably have to have two smaller pieces and join them. I don't want to buy them, maybe I can find something second hand. I'll keep looking.
That's it for tonight. Toodle pip

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