Sunday, May 10, 2015

Did something go wrong? No, I just got bored.

TV Licensing usually send out letters every two years to those who inform them that they don't need a licence. I've just had one, blimey the last two years have flown by. They ask if my circumstances have changed, am I watching  live TV. They ask me to get in touch with them if  I still don't watch live TV. I rang  and confirmed that I still don't watch TV. They sent me another letter saying they will get in touch again in two years, and that someone may visit me to check. I look forward to that. Just make sure that he is about 6 feet tall, lean and fit, drop dead gorgeous, single, and has loads of dosh. 
Talking of TV, which I don't watch, (I watch on the computer), I had an email from Channel 4. They asked me why I didn't watch the whole of the programme 'Hidden Villages'. What a flippin cheek! Surely it's up to me if I stop watching a programme before the end, I don't have to report to them why I switched it off. They sent a link to resume watching. Nothing went wrong, Channel 4, I just got bored with it, and I have other things to do besides gawping at a screen which no longer holds my interest.  
They want me to check the FAQ's, to find out why I stopped watching. I had a look and couldn't find the 'I got bored with it', answer, so I thought stuff it, I don't have to explain anything.

Still on the subject of TV, I caught a bit of it while I was at Janet's looking after her cats. In the mornings I took my breakfast with me and sat with a cat on my knee, then in the evening I made a hot chocolate and had a flick through the channels, with another cat on my knee. It was hard to find something interesting. One programme I thought was utterly bonkers, why would anyone want to watch someone else watching TV. People sitting in their own homes on the sofa, watching their own TV, and millions of other silly buggers watching them. Bonkers.
No rain today YAY. The top is finished, all sides almost the same height, give or take an inch or two. There is one corner where the two sides don't match up, but I'll sort that when I come to put a roof on it. I spent the afternoon painting, looking quite good now. I got some info about where I might find some long timbers for the roof supports. I need some eight feet long. I'll go and check it out.  
Three doors which definitely need painting, these two,

and this one. When they are done I'll see how much paint I have left, the white ones are not too bad, so I might leave them.

Crafty Club in the morning. I'm off to cut a few squares for the patchwork sewing machine cover I am making, so I'll say Goodnight and Toodle pip.

PS. Just found two lovely comments from Jayne, on older posts, and I'm chuffed to little mintballs. She has been ploughing through the 2009 posts, good on yer Jayne. Thanks for reading.

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