Sunday, May 3, 2015

Unique rules, YAY ;o))

Hello, from a wet and miserable Bank Holiday Sunday in North Lincolnshire. The weather may be miserable but I am not, I'm doing something I love, creating a picture with fabric and threads. Musical entertainment is provided by BBC Radio 2, Sunday Love Songs, peppered with feel good love stories from happy loved up folks. We need more love, I have some in Tightwad Towers, I don't miss out, my lovely pets are around me. Heidi joined me in bed this morning, something she has never done before, she is feeling very loved up, ha ha.

I am trying to make some little sheep for the picture, but it's not working out as I would like, so I have moved on to French Knot flowers, and I've put a couple of ramblers in a field. All very fiddly work, but it satisfies my creativity, to work things out, and to invent different ways to do things.

I've just had a comment through which turned a light on, my readers are always inspiring me, and giving me ideas for more blog posts, so thanks to those who comment. It's a two way thing, not just me chattering and you listening, you join in.

Sue says my shed of many colours is unique, a one off, just like me. Thank you Sue, I take that as a compliment. Not surprising that I am having difficulty making little sheep, I am not one of them, ha ha.

So, what's good and what's bad about today? My uniqueness means I see things from all angles. The answers are not always obvious, but with a bit of pondering I usually come up with some kind of solution. The rain is a bit miserable, and I have some dog walking to do, but, they will be pleased to see me, I like happy dogs. I can't work in the garden, but I can sit and sew. I will have a bath and wash my hair later, that will be lovely. I will have something nice for lunch, and dinner later. The garden is getting watered for free, so I can't really think of anything bad about today.

Is it hard work being unique? No not at all, if you practice it enough. If you decide that you don't have to be what people expect you to be. You can strive to be different, you can do things on a whim, even if you change your mind, and go in a different direction.

Everyone can be unique if they want to be. Everyone can be quirky. No one needs to be a clone. If all my readers left and went to other blogs I would say, good for them, they are doing their own thing, they have decided that they don't want to read me any more. I read other blogs, I don't have to and neither do you have to read mine, but I'm pleased that you do.I'm pleased that I share my living room with you, I can chat to you whenever I like, and someone is listening. So step forth into this big wide world, do your own thing, and be unique.

Lots of love.
Toodle pip
Ilona xxx

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