Monday, January 25, 2016

A day for playing at being famous

Hello bloggerettes everywhere. Howzit been for you today? It's been a bit crazy here at Tightwad Towers. The phone started ringing quite early and hardly stopped all day. It was one call after another, hardly had time for a widdle and didn't get any breakfast until nearly lunchtime. And then there was the emails coming in which needed attending to. I am not very good at speaking on the phone and typing at the same time, so I had to alternate from one to the other. The newspapers have been going bananas with the story, all wanting a share of it, so it is appearing all over the place. It will die down eventually.

Radio interviews done today - Humberside, Sheffield, Radio Five Live twice, and Scotland. Newspaper interviews - Daily Mirror, Scunthorpe Telegraph. Filming for Calendar in my house this afternoon. . Tomorrow I am on Radio Teeside. Later in the afternoon a taxi is coming for me to take me to Leeds for the teatime news programme, when the film will also be shown. So I'll be on the tele tomorrow, not sure what time it goes out.  There was something to do for Good Morning Britain, but that has been put back to Wednesday.

I only got to Crafty Club for fifteen minutes and had to dash back to take a phone call.

On top of all this I have been keeping up with the comments coming in here, and I would like to thank you all for your support. Thank you to those who have commented on the Daily Mail article, and zapping all the positive comments with a green arrow and the negative ones with a red arrow.

I've been checking on Jo's progress, she is now over half way. Such a gutsy lady.

I see I have some friend requests on Facebook, from people I don't know. I am not going down the road of friending everyone who asks, nor will I be looking for friends. So if you have asked don't be offended if I don't accept, nothing personal. I won't be twittering to all and sundry either, I don't need the hassle.

Page views hit an all time high in the 24 hours yesterday, and it's looking like it's going to be a lot higher today. Flippin amazing.

I'm going to wind down now. Have a mug of hot chocolate, and watch the final daily page view figure as it hits midnight and goes back to zero. Then I shall fall asleep with a smile on my face knowing I have had a busy and interesting day.

Thank you for popping in. We'll catch up tomorrow. Toodle pip.

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