Friday, January 8, 2016

Robert Koenig, wood carver, at our art gallery.

Hello. I mentioned that I had been to our 20 21 Arts Centre a few weeks ago but forgot to take my camera. I went back today for another viewing, and took the camera. The exhibition by Robert Koenig is amazing. He has been sculpting wood for over 35 years. Born in Britain of Polish parents, he studied art at Brighton. Take a look at his work on his web site. You will marvel at his distinctive style.  
Our Arts Centre has recently undergone a refurbishment programme, and is a much improved exhibition space. Into the front entrance and turn left along the link gallery, are some of Roberts huge shields. His carvings are all done by his own hands using traditional tools. I love the colours he chooses and the way he has distressed the paint.  

Look closely, they are trees.

Amazing that the birds are all flying in perfect formation. It reminds me of Jonathan Livingston Seagull.

Inside the church which is the main exhibition hall, Robert has constructed a new Memorial Structure. You walk into a massive wooden box like a packing crate, which has alcoves to each side. In this first photo I used a flash, hence the slightly different tint to the rest of them.  

This exhibition is on in Scunthorpe until the 20th of February. Well worth seeing if you are coming this way. Maybe it will be near you in the future. I've found a video of him constructing the Memorial Structure in the church. Take a look, it's interesting.

It's the weekend again, the weather has been a bit better today, not much rain but the temperature has dropped a bit. Enjoy your weekend whatever you are doing, and don't forget walkers, try and get a couple of miles in, it all adds up. I'm going out now at 8.30pm.

Thanks for popping in. Catch up soon. Toodle pip

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