Monday, January 11, 2016

What's been going on today?

Hello. Busy Monday again. I should have washed my hair yesterday but didn't so I had to do it this morning before Crafty Club. I didn't have any work ready to take with me, so right at the last minute, moments before I stepped out of the door, I grabbed some balls of wool and a couple of crochet hooks. I need the practice if I am to have a go at making a piece of Scrumble art, like what Briony makes. Have you see her beautiful work, I have put her Scrumble blog on the sidebar. I can't see me making something as good as that. 
Our Crafty Christmas Tree was collected from the church this morning and was dismantled. We each took our own decorations home with us. Next Christmas we will be using the same tree but making new decorations for it. Having a theme was mentioned, maybe all bells, or all angels, or whatever ideas the members come up with. 
After Crafty Club I went round to Linda's house, she has missed a few weeks and we wondered if she was ok. She invited me in for a natter. She has been poorly but hopes to get to the club next week. 
This afternoon I went to the mobile library and swapped some books. Had a natter with Stan. It appears that the people at the Medical Centre which is where the van is parked, don't want it there any more because the patients are having difficulty getting in and out of the car park. A new place has to be found for it.  
Here is a sneak preview of my new project. I came up with several ideas for the blocks of wood which Bob gave me. One idea was a political statement, and another would have meant time consuming intricate painting. As you can see, they are getting painted different colours, I chose the third and easiest option. Those sample pots of paint I bought from Woolies for 4p each, before they closed down have come in useful for all kinds of jobs. Not telling you any more, you will have to wait and see what I do with them.  
A few Walking Group reports are coming through and I am adding updates to the members list on the Challenge page. You don't have to send in reports, but if you do it keeps up the momentum and hopefully everyone's motivation gets a boost. Don't worry if you are not able to make as much progress as you would have liked, by merely having a go and doing some walking means you are thinking about improving your fitness and general health. Remember each and every one of you are doing it for yourself, a few miles here, a few miles there, all adds up.

I had a change of footwear tonight. Normally I walk in my old boots, they are dead comfy, but tonight I put these trainers on. A free pair I got out of a skip, well I actually got them before they went into the skip, because the owner gave them to me. These have more of a spring in them, felt like I was walking on cushions and found them not as clumsy as boots. I even managed a bit of jogging tonight, not a good idea if you don't wear a bra, ha ha. I'll be wearing these from now on, unless it snows, then I'll be back to the boots. I am keeping to three miles a day, and it varies what time I do it. I am now in the habit of building the 45 minutes into my daily routine.

There always seems to be anniversaries for something or other, commemorating different events in history. If it isn't for the beginning or the end of a war, it's Googlie with their fancy logo's celebrating the birth or death of some ancient composer or engineer long gone 150 years ago. There must be something I should be celebrating in my own life, so I've been delving in the diaries again.

On this day, Wednesday January 11th 1989, I went into work at, and because there wasn't much to do, I worked on my lorry. I was employed by Leicester Heavy Haulage at the time. I painted the front bumper and grille, and it looked a lot better. After dinner, Jim sent me to Conder for a load of steel for Mid Wales, it was 50 feet long. I left Burton at 3.30pm. I parked up in Hereford on the Cattle Market, as that was the only place I know you can park. I expected the roads to get narrow from then on, so I would rather tackle them in the morning. I had a chat with another driver, he was from Van Leer, and chatted to local breakers on the CB radio. I rang Colin's cab phone but there was no answer. where is he? So, on this day 27 years ago I was sleeping in my cab on the Cattle market in Hereford. I vaguely remember it, ha ha.

All is well at Tightwad Towers tonight. Rocky is due a little Bimble any time now, that's if I can rouse him from his snooze. The kitties are all sleeping, but you can guarantee that when I move from this chair and go into the kitchen they will miraculously wake up and demand food, ha ha.

Thank you for popping in. Catch up soon. Toodle pip.

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