Friday, January 15, 2016

Let's go puddle jumping

Hello. What a change from yesterday,  sunshine, blue skies, no wind, but still a tad cold. I decided to get my three miles done early and turned it into four miles. A change of route, I thought I would go and have a look at the wind turbines that have been recently been planted just outside the village. There was a lot of hoohaa about it at the planning stage, such a lot of opposition to these huge monsters blotting our landscape. This little tarmac lane turns into a dirt track, down the hill and past the edge of the wood. 
Looking a bit bleak at the moment, lack of foliage exposes the litter which is strewn about. It's a popular dog walking area.

At the bottom it opens out and across the fields is the River Trent. Beyond that there are masses more wind turbines near Goole.

And there is our wind farm, all six of them. It doesn't look too bad to me, I like them better than the ugly pylons. I could hear a quiet humming noise as I passed them.

I carried on past them, walking along the track at the bottom of the wood. A spot of puddle jumping is needed here. 
The frozen muddy water makes a pleasing pattern on the surface. I think this picture looks like an aerial view of a lake, or a coastline.  

Another walker going in the opposite direction.

A lot of trees were felled in the woods a couple of years ago, there is still some tree trunks and branches lying around. I like the way the frost clings to the rough bark giving it a look of being dusted with icing sugar. 

The track comes out at the Industrial estate, I turned left up the road into the village, and took the high road back along the top of the wood, which runs parallel to the track below it.
Someone's back garden is just beyond this rough patch, they have dumped a load of apples over the edge. What a waste. I hope the wild life is making the most of this feast.

The walk took about two hours, I was back in time for lunch. It was nice to get out into the sunshine, best to make the most of it, could be wet and windy tomorrow.

For the rest of the day I have been painting the new art work. It's coming along nicely but after taking a step back to look at it, I need to make some minor adjustments. It's got to be right. Tonight I am scoffing another portion of veg stew. Not much left in the pan, I will make some more tomorrow with Brussels sprouts and carrots, and add the two together. Beats cooking any day, ha ha.

It's Friday, so I've cracked open a can of pear cider, the first this month. I find the best way of drinking it is to pour it in small amounts into a small glass, and pretend it's wine. That way it lasts longer, and I never have the need for a second can. I am not taking part in Dry January, my alcohol intake is so small, a treat once or twice a month is fine by me.

Hope you have a good weekend. Thanks for popping in. Catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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