Saturday, January 23, 2016

A little prick will do it

Hello, a second dose today. That's a sight for sore eye's isn't it, the bottom of my left foot. I thought I felt a twinge, and there it is the little blighter. I always manage to pick up a blister or two between my toes where they are all scrunched up together, ha ha. A needle and a splodge of Germaline will soon get shot of that little devil. Look how supple I am, managing to balance on one leg and turn my foot over on top of the table. Should have been a ballet dancer. 
One healthy yellow sticker lunch today.

 I've been on a mission to cook all the prepared veg before it goes off. Looking at the original prices I wondered why people choose to buy these, given that they go off quicker than whole vegetables, and they cost a lot more as well. Don't people know how to use a vegetable knife? Ok some will say they have arthritis in their hands and can't grasp the knife, or they have a sight problem, fair enough, anything to make life easier. But if anyone buys these because they say they don't have the time to chop up a few carrots or peel a few spuds, or dissect a cauliflower, that's just a lame excuse for I can't be bothered. A 480g pack of peas and carrots costs £1.25. How much does a bag of whole carrots cost, 40p - 50p, and how much is a handful of frozen peas? 20p at a guess. A family pack of broccoli and cauliflower costs £1.65. What would they cost whole if bought separately? In season about £1 for both, or less.

I am chopping the carrots into small pieces to shorten the cooking time.

There is enough for three pans. Broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, beans and onions stew mix, and green beans. The small pan will be zapped with the blender and turned into soup. The other will stay as a veggie stew. It is all cooling now and will be put into margarine tubs to go in the freezer. Lot's of cheap ready meals.

Someone asked what to do with lettuce if it has gone a bit limp. There was a 'turn it into soup', suggestion, which sounds like a good idea, but I normally eat my lettuce before it gets to that stage. I once chucked the last bits of a prepared lettuce into a stew, but I never end up with a whole lettuce uneaten. I make sure I eat it, even if it means chomping on it straight out of the fridge without it ever going on a plate.

The Yorkshire Post article was online yesterday. I read it last night, but there was something in it which I was not happy about and wanted it removed. This morning, Sarah the journalist has done that, but unfortunately she has removed one of the photo's as well, and I thought it was a better photo than the other one which is still there. I have noticed a couple of  inaccuracies, I didn't buy the shorts at Primark, as if I would shop there. They came from a charity shop and cost £1. And I used more than a couple of pallets to build the Summer House. The article overall I feel is disappointing. Why she brought up parts of the old story I don't know. I was expecting it to be fresh and new, like what has happened over the last seven years since the first article. It reads like a series of one or two line statements with nothing holding it together. There is mention of collecting fabric and tin cans, but no mention that these are used for my arts and crafts work. Makes me look like a dotty old woman who hoards rubbish for the sake of it.

The interview was rushed, she kept darting from one topic to the next, not giving me time to gather thoughts and construct coherent answers. I was struggling to keep up with her, and I felt like she wasn't really listening. The online newspaper is so full of advertisements it makes reading anything hard going. I think it might come out in paper form on Monday. Still, it's done now.

The only accurate record I am going to have of my lifestyle is this blog, written by myself. I have never met a media person who is fully understanding of the reasons why I live as I do.

I'm having a day off walking today, too much to do, I'll start again tomorrow on the three miles each day. Poor Jo is struggling a bit now, I've been watching her on and off all day. They keep putting little videos up and photographs. It must make it doubly hard for her with the cameras at her face every step of the way. The way I coped with the pain was to detach my brain from my physical body, to close up and retreat inside myself and fill my head with nice thoughts. Basically you have to try and switch off. She can't do that because as well as walking she has a job to do, performing for the cameras, whether it be joking or despairing, and speaking to her well wishers. If there is anyone out there who is of similar age and stature, who likes a drink and a smoke, and who hasn't done any exercise for 25 years, just imagine how hard it must be for her to do this challenge. I can almost feel her pain.

We have a few Walking Group reports coming in, I keep updating the list with whatever you tell me. Some of you are going great guns, well done. Don't despair if you are a bit slow at catching up, you still have 11 months and 8 days left, plenty of time. Don't keep putting it off though, time doesn't stand still. Do a little each day, you don't have to walk a marathon. Anything is better than staying sat on your bum and not moving. Go for it.

Thanks for popping in. Enjoy your Sunday, get out for a walk if it is a nice day. Get out anyway, just wear appropriate clothing. Oooh, nearly forgot, welcome to the new followers. It's good to have your company.
Toodle pip

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