Monday, January 18, 2016

An arty puzzle for you

Hello. Twas Crafty Club this morning, I took a bit of sewing with me. Not many members in attendance, I think the cold weather puts them off. It was nice to see Ali back though, after a long absence, and the lady who is moving into the cottage opposite the Village Hall has said she will come and join us when she has got everything straight. We have been asked if we want a stall at the Summer Fete in June. Mixed feelings about that, as our display would be better in the church, but we are not sure if they will be using it. We don't fancy being outside in case the weather is not very good. If it is not blustery I can put the gazebo up, but I'm not doing battle with the winds. We will make a decision on that later. 
When I got back I finished the art work. This is the end result. 
This was the beginning if you remember. I was given some blocks of wood and thought of an idea, my third idea by the way. There are ten blocks, I painted each one a different colour. 
I found a piece of hardboard in my stash, 2 feet square, and stuck some pieces of A3 paper together to make the exact size, and make a plan. I randomly placed the blocks on the paper and marked around them. Now I am calling them boxes. I then added a splodge to every one, something like you might get if a mug is overfilled and the liquid is running down the sides to make a pool.

Then I copied each shape onto more paper and cut them out, keeping the original as a plan to work from. I wanted a black background, my first thought was to paint the hardboard, but I haven't got any black paint, so I looked in my storeroom and found a roll of black window blind material. It's not like fabric, it's tough and durable, with a plastic feel to it, just the job. I covered the board, folding over the edges and securing them at the back. I laid the shapes out as in the plan, and used a pencil to transfer the outlines across.

Then I laid the coloured boxes on to check the look of it and make sure they are fairly evenly spaced. I was going to keep them all in straight lines and squared up, but changed my mind and went for higgledypiggledy. My mind is thinking, don't do the obvious and make them look tidy, scatter them about a bit.

Next I removed the boxes and the papers, I numbered them 1 to 10 on the board so I would know which box shape was which colour. I painted all the splodges, but found they were not big enough, so I had to expand them with several coats of paint. to make sure the black didn't show through. Check again that everything fits right. 
The next step was to write the words on in black felt tip pen. Starting with the first word on the box, and trailing the sentence around the edge of the splodge. There is a reason for doing it this way. You will notice they are all questions I asked myself about this particular piece of work.

The light was fading, I used the white wall of the porch to show the contrast of the black board. To finish it off, I screwed the boxes onto the board, and covered the back with a sheet of black sticky back foam. I put two hooks on the back and tied a length of telephone cable to them for hanging.

Now here's the question. What is this artwork called? See if you can work it out, three words.

Have fun. Thanks for popping in. Catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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