Wednesday, January 20, 2016

What's happening

Hiya peeps. Things are kicking off here, busy busy. Four readers were correct in their title guess, it is indeed, 'Outside the Box', a phrase I am always using. Well done, sorry no prizes, skint, no not really, can't be bothered to parcel stuff up and send it. Just a bit of fun. You know me, I like fun.

Another bit of fun, have I worked out Twitter yet? No, that will take a while, if I can be bothered. I've just dumped some of the people I am following, don't need all that stuff coming into my box. I only joined it so I can find out what's happening with the Jo Brand long walk across the country. After a bit of investigating elsewhere I have the route, and it seems she will be starting on Friday not far from me and walking over the Humber Bridge, so I have to go and meet her, don't I. She is not walking from Hull, I s'pose they used that as a well know start point. She is due to finish at the Liver Building in Liverpool on Thursday. It's about 150 miles, she will have some long days if she wants to do 20+ miles a day at 2mph. Best up it to 3mph if she can. I hope she does well, and wish her all the best. At least she won't have a rucksack to carry which will ease the pressure off her leg muscles. GoJo   on Twitter.

I've got to have a bit of a tidy up here today, a journalist and photographer are coming tomorrow from the Yorkshire Post. She wrote about me seven years ago, and now wants to do a follow up article. Blimey, seven years since I was on the tele on Hunt for Britain's Tightest Person. Time flies.

I've just been chatting to Joanna of the 1939 house, I popped down the hill to have a word with her and she was getting ready to show visitors around. She lives in a time warp, everything she does is 1940's down to the clothes she wears and riding a bike everywhere. I caught her chopping wood for the fire in her back yard. Passing her details on to the Yorkshire Post lady, she might like to do a story.

I've picked up the unfinished landscape picture again and altered the sky, which I wasn't very happy about. It looks a lot better now and will soon be ready for framing.

Lovely sunny day today, too nice to be in, but I have to do some housework. I'm up to 58 miles of walking for this month. Thanks to those who have sent in updates, it isn't compulsory, send them if you like. It's nice to see those who are embracing the challenge, and if you haven't got into it yet, no worries, there's still eleven and a half months left. I will be removing the names on the sidebar soon, the list takes up too much space, so to check who is doing what, go to the page at the top below the header.

Thanks for popping in. Catch up soon. Toodle pip

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